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Angular Javascript Framework

by Ashwin v - 29 Aug 2022, Monday 211 Views Like (0)
Angular Javascript Framework

An open-source framework for creating powerful web apps is Angular.js. It enables programmers to further scale the HTML syntax and use HTML as the template language to produce clean and short application components. Because of its dependency injection and data binding characteristics, you can write a lot less code while yet getting more functionality.

All of these things can be done directly from the browser. As a result, Angular web frameworks can be the actual deal for every server and company, as opposed to all the hype around TezJS or Angular vs. React vs. Vue.

Or to put it another way, Angular JS is HTML created for apps. HTML is well known for its usefulness in static documents, but it is not very good when creating software applications.

Popular AngularJS Frameworks for Web App Development

Numerous progressive frameworks with built-in web components and top AngularJS development tools are available with Angular JS. Here are the top 11 AngularJS frameworks you need to be aware of if you want to create cutting-edge online applications.

1. LumX

One of the most adaptable Angular.js front-end development frameworks is LumX. Using Google Material Design principles, it enables you to create UI that is both aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly.

This framework, which is SaaS-based, is the top CSS framework for Angular. You may want to consider customising the look and feel of your online application. Additionally, it effectively uses Gulp to optimise your JS files and SaaS, which enhances the performance of the application.

2. UI Bootstrap

This Angular UI framework utilises the dynamic front-end tool for app development, as the name would imply. Numerous components with repository dependencies, such as Angular-animate, Angular-touch, and Bootstrap CSS, are available in UI Bootstrap.

This noteworthy framework offers a wealth of resources to enable you to take advantage of Angular JS's quick web development process. Most importantly, it may efficiently enhance the efficiency of your web project without relying on jQuery, JavaScript, or Bootstrap.

3. Suave UI

This renowned AngularJS framework is really helpful in creating an aesthetically pleasing UI for your web application. The best thing about Suave UI is its extensive library of directives, CSS definitions (such the grid, layered elements, and coloured buttons), and services, which allow programmers to experiment with different UI elements.

The UI components are also kept as bundle files, thus there is no longer a need to include each component individually. Developers merely need to issue one command to complete the operation through browsers.

4. Ionic

Ionic is a popular Angular JavaScript framework that may assist you in developing reliable and effective online apps. This platform-independent framework, which is totally built on Angular.js and enables developers to use its capabilities on highly interactive projects, fairly addresses the misconception between Angular and Angular.js.

Ionic allows you to cover the majority of the front-end portion thanks to built-in JS and CSS components. Additionally, you can add new functionalities to the pre-configured CSS classes if you require them. Additionally, Ionic offers a free, open-source SDK for creating user-friendly apps. Ionic and AngularJS might be a great combination for your web development project, all things considered.

5. Angular Material

It's a sizable collection of UI elements (including Datepickers, Inputs, Data Tables, and Cards) that you can reuse to design unified and tasteful user interfaces. Each component's default styling, which complies with the Material Design Specification, is usable. You can also alter how your web app components behave and appear using this Angularjs widget framework.

The CSS library that comes with Angular Material is extensive and includes typography and other usable elements. It provides responsive directives, a strong flex grid layout, and a number of theming choices, which together enable more flexible and expedited Angular app development.

6. Quantum UI

With more than 60 rest-service and server-friendly UI components, Quantum UI is an AngularJS-based framework that accelerates front-end development. It supports a Bootstrap-focused CSS structure and has an MVVM architecture.

This Angular testing framework is mostly hosted and maintained by GitHub. Since Quantum UI can only be customised through properties and attributes, JS is not necessary. The majority of its components are free and open-source, but some are not and cost money to use.

7. Angular UI Grid

This architecture has altered how we see the creation of online applications with sizable databases. In addition to Angular JS, Angular UI Grid has no other dependencies and provides a host of incredibly helpful features, like e2e testing, visualisation, user interactions, filtering, grouping, and sorting.

It also makes it possible to implement Angular.js natively without the need for jQuery. By utilising only the capabilities that are necessary, you can reduce the technical debt of your web app thanks to its plugin design. To alter the overall feel and appearance of your website, you can also make changes to the CSS file and make use of its pre-configured customizer.

8. PrimeNG

The game-changing JavaScript Angular framework's declarative UI design makes it simple to build the front end of complicated projects. There are more than 70 different UI components in the varied library that comes with PrimeNG. From native themes to pre-built widgets, Angular has a lot to offer you if you intend to work on one of its projects.

One of the best front-end web development frameworks, PrimeNG makes it exceedingly simple for you to add various front-end elements, such as charts, form inputs, overlays, menus, and more, into your online app. It provides widgets that are totally free and open-source and that you can use in accordance with the MIT licence.

9. Angular UI Tree

Another well-liked Angular UI framework used primarily for sorting hierarchical lists is Angular UI Tree. Additionally, it does not need jQuery and has drag-and-drop capabilities, making it simple to alter any tree item. Angular UI Tree leverages the native AngularJS scope for data binding and aids components in avoiding child nodes.

However, this paradigm falls short of being sufficient. To create the whole front-end of your web app, you will require another AngularJS module or framework.

10. Radian

Developers may express plots in HTML texts with ease thanks to this open-source JS framework. Instead of writing your own JS charting code, you can use custom HTML components. It offers efficient tools to enable two-way data binding in JavaScript variables and HTML components using the Angular.js framework.

Additionally, Radian uses the D3.js plotting package to create graphics, which enables us to create plots as SVG components. The SVG components can then be directly inserted into the page and displayed on any current browser. This Angular JS widget framework offers thorough documentation and a flexible licence to assist you in getting started.

11. Foundation

Foundation One of the top front-end frameworks available today is Foundation. For any medium, device, and accessibility, it delivers a far faster responsive UI design. You may easily construct stunning online and mobile apps with its comprehensive customization, flexibility, readability, and semantic capabilities.

The Foundation team is always introducing fresh tools and resources, like HTML templates and code snippets. This framework's different semantic HTML components include the trigger, process bar, dropdown, accordion, alert, and others.