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Exploring Modern Art Painting and Its Subsequent Impact

by Julia Jackson - 31 Jan 2022, Monday 329 Views Like (0)
Exploring Modern Art Painting and Its Subsequent Impact


Modern art is defined through many meanings. It includes many ideas, customs, and traditions. These definitions pay hold different interpretations. Modern art paintings have evolved throughout history. This art has become the most inspiration for the artists.

Among so many artists stands Diana Roy, a Canadian artist who paid homage to the world of art through her paintings. Some of her best modern art paintings are displayed in her online gallery for sale. 

What Modern Art Paintings Entail

There is no single definition to modern art paintings. Every painting has a separate story to tell and a different emotion to depict the artist at the time. Nevertheless, the common characteristics that most modern paintings include new genres of art, art techniques, types of media, the inclusion of mixed media, and others. 

Modern art is an ever-changing dynamic. What we deem as a modern art piece today may not be valid in a few years. Despite the controversial statement, modern art is an era defined mostly defined in the late 1800s. 

Succeeding the modern art time was a period of royalty that dominated the world of art, especially in portraits. This art follows the ideas presented in contemporary art, which began at a later time and shaped art as we see it today.  

Diana Roy’s paintings depict the renaissance period throughout her artworks. Her online gallery showcases art pieces from her different collections that include many genres. These pieces showcase her emotions and thoughts. Her modern art paintings from these collections use vibrant colors and also depict the use of old art techniques.  

Impact Modern Paintings Have on the World

Modern art encompasses three notions that are divided into different periods from the era. The modernist and post-modernist ideas hold different values. Their impact on every individual artist has been different. 

Artists like Pablo Picasso, Leonardo Da Vinci, and many others include many of these modernist and post-modernist notions in their paintings. Diana Roy incorporated all three categories to produce stunning works that are appreciated around the globe. 

The new technology inventions in the 19th century such as transport, goods, aeroplanes, lifestyles of people changed. The growing population and urban development paved way for modern paintings to produce a deep effect on the changing industrial world. 

When talking about modern art history and its subsequent impact, we need to consider that history does not write itself in one day. Changing history is a gradual process that never reaches a point of equilibrium. History only gets old and increases its story over time. 

Impact on the Downfall of Paintings

Modern paintings did not stop immediately. These paintings were replaced with other genres of art with a slow process. The downfall of modern paintings happened through a series of events. Artists saw modern art as something that showed the great revolution in the 19th century, but for the next century artists needed a new notion to depict the change. Modernism needed a new makeover through this old-fashioned notion. 

Many movements and genres shaped this genre. These same notions were responsible for the downfall of these paintings. 

Diana Roy and her Modern Art Paintings

Diana Roy was a fine artist of the modern world with five decades of experience in the field of art. A wide range of her best modern art paintings is available for grabs in her online gallery. These paintings come under her Modernism collection. You can grab more collection from Dianaroyartist.