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Contact Lens Boxes

by kristina james - 28 Jul 2022, Thursday 448 Views Like (0)
Contact Lens Boxes

While contact lenses are considered simple, the Cosmetic Boxes required for these items requires sophisticated design. Contact lens boxes can be sleeve or tray style, and come with features such as die-cut windows that let customers see the color of the lens. A lens box can also have compartments, allowing customers to select the right product without bumping into the other products in the box. All of these features help make contact lens boxes safer for customers.

CYL contact lens boxes

CYL contact lens boxes have several characteristics in common with one another. They are commonly used to describe astigmatism, nearsightedness, and farsightedness. Generally, a cylinder value is between -4 and +4 and represents the power needed to correct astigmatism. The other characteristic is referred to as axis, which shows the orientation of the cylinder on the lens in degrees between 0 and 180 degrees.
The box will list the name of the contact lens, the prescription date, and the expiration date. Note that this is different from a glasses prescription and cannot be used for both. The prescription is written in millimeters, but you can usually determine the fit by looking at the base curve, which shows the type of lens you will need. It may be steep, flat, or median. It may also have a color symbol that indicates whether it is tinted.

AX Contact Lens Boxes

AX Contact Lens Boxes are available for most brands of contact lenses. You can also order them online from companies Like Custom Boxes Place. In order to order them, you need to know the eye power, base curve, diameter, and cylinder data. During this process, you will have the opportunity to choose from an array of lenses. You can even order more than one pair. Once you've chosen the lenses you want, you can order them as a set.
AX Contact Lens Boxes have an information card that lists the parameters of each lens. The information card on each box includes the information from the prescription. The left eye's box contains the parameters for the left eye, while the right eye's will contain the parameters for the right eye. In order to make the best decision for your eyesight, you should consult an eye care professional. There is a wide range of contact lens boxes to choose from, and choosing the right one will make all the difference.

PWR On contact lenses

A contact lens prescription will include an AX and a CYL. These letters stand for axis and cylinder respectively, and refer to the power and direction added to the lens to correct astigmatism. The higher the number, the more astigmatism the lens corrects. This information is very important because you must choose the correct contact lens based on your prescription, which is very crucial in determining the fit of your eye. The power of the lens is indicated on the box. This is expressed as a diopter value, and the higher the number, the stronger the vision correction. The power number is usually listed from zero to three, with the plus and minus sign indicating farsightedness and the cylinder sign indicating astigmatism. The PWR contact lens box contains information about these measurements and how you can make sure you're using the correct contact lens.

SPH for contact lens boxes

SPH for contact lens boxes stands for sphere. This is a shorthand for the power of the lenses required for correcting short or long-sightedness. The power is measured in dioptres and is expressed as a positive (+) or negative (-) number for each eye. Positive spheres mean that the lens will correct hyperopia (far-sightedness) and negative spheres mean that the lens will correct myopia (near-sightedness).
When looking at the box for your contact lenses, you'll see the PWR, SPH, or Sphere, which refers to your power. In short, this measurement represents the amount of vision correction you need to achieve 20/20 vision. In addition, the SPH for contact lens boxes also contains a "power" figure. This number increases by 0.25 dioptres for each additional digit. This is useful if you wear different contact lenses in each eye.