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Home Business How Is Shotcrete Method Beneficial in Soil Retention?

How Is Shotcrete Method Beneficial in Soil Retention?

by christie Callihoo - 11 Oct 2022, Tuesday 124 Views Like (0)
How Is Shotcrete Method Beneficial in Soil Retention?

Shotcreting is the modern method of concrete application in which the concrete is spread on a surface by using a hose at a high velocity. The shotcrete sprayed with high pressure can strongly stick on the surface.

The shotcrete method is used for various purposes including repair and restoration of a surface, ground support, mining and tunnelling purposes, constructing new buildings, pole repair and construction, refractory and soil retention.

Fortunately, the shotcrete method is highly efficient for all of the purposes mentioned above. This article will discuss the benefits of using the shotcrete method in soil retention activities.

Why Shotcreting?

Professional construction contractors try to adapt the latest construction techniques to complete their job efficiently. Shotcrete is one of those methods that can help complete the construction in less time.

Therefore reputable shotcrete contractors such as Sprayforce Concrete prefer this method for big and small construction projects. Hence this method is considered the best fit for soil retention and building retaining walls.

Additionally, shotcrete can also be used for creating temporary structures therefore it can be used for earth retention and excavation purposes.

Following are a few common benefits of using the shotcrete method for soil retention:

Strong Bonding On Uneven Surfaces

The shotcrete method can apply a strong layer of concrete on uneven surfaces since the shotcrete is applied with high velocity due to which it can stick to the surface and create a strong bond.

Moreover, the shotcrete method can be used for the retention of vertical surfaces where the traditional concrete application method can not work accurately.

Therefore, the shotcrete provides a strong bond on the surface to keep the soil in its place for efficient soil retention.

Cover For Exposed Rocks

Shotcrete is sprayed on the surface therefore, it can cover the exposed rocks. You can apply a thick or thin layer of shotcrete to cover the rocks however you should apply a thick concrete layer to cover the big rocks. 

Basically, the rocks in the ground give support to the building and serve as natural components for soil retention, therefore, these rocks should be protected to save them from deteriorating due to regular exposure to the sun.

Effective For Slope Stabilization

Shotcrete can be applied to a surface to control soil loss as it keeps the soil intact in its place due to which the solid surface remains strong. Thus shotcrete can hold the soil to stabilize the slope.

Additionally, shotcrete provides great reinforcement strength which helps in giving strong support to the complete infrastructure.

Besides, specialized anchor shotcrete is also used to stabilize the rocks and soil masses on the slope. 

Fewer Materials Required For Retention

Shotcrete soil retention is done by creating very simple retaining structures. The sho???????tcrete services contractors usually use simple steel fibres which are filled with shotcrete spray to make strong retaining support.

Along with that shotcrete, the mesh can be used at equal positioning to distribute the load over the retaining structure.

However, the use of such simple materials reduces the cost of retention and helps create a strong retaining wall using basic materials.

Less Labour Force Is Involved

The shotcrete method requires less labour force as most of the task is done using a high-pressure shotcrete gun. You will require expert labour skills for installing steel structures and a few labours to handle the shotcrete nozzle.

On the other hand, shotcrete mesh reinforcement requires even less labour force as it is the easiest way of building efficient soil retention systems.

Solid Nail Shoring

One of the easiest ways to handle retaining soil by using shotcrete is solid nail shoring. In this method, strong nails are drilled into the unstable soil surface. These nails are tightly packed on the surface with the help of grout. Finally, a shotcrete spray is done on the surface to make a strong retaining structure.

The benefit of using shotcrete for this type of soil retention solid nail shoring can be done at a very tight job site because it does not require much space and large steel structures.

Permanent Soil Retention

Shotcrete is highly durable due to which the soil retention done with the shotcrete method can last for a very long time. Therefore, you can make strong retaining walls to hold the soil around mountains and other sloppy areas. 


Soil retention is important to hold soil in slopy areas, and excavation projects and to provide soil retention around the buildings. Nowadays, contractors prefer to use shotcrete shoring for creating soil retention. 

As shotcrete provides easy and durable soil retention. Moreover, the soil retention done with shotcrete involves less labour and material cost.

Various benefits of using shotcrete for creating soil retention are listed above. Still, different methods are used for soil retention at different sites. Hence you should contact expert shotcrete contractors as they can identify the most appropriate method of doing soil retention on a specific site.