If you're looking to add some extra detailing to your tags, or need to replace a broken tag, then you'll need to know how to ifte (a French word meaning "to tack") and rig (a British word meaning "to secure"). Here are the steps:
1. Take the tag off the garment.
2. Mark where you want to tack the tag.
3. Use a small hammer to drive a nail into the fabric at the marked spot.
4. Insert the tag into the notch on the rigger, and tighten the screw until it's tight.
5. Repeat Steps 2-4 on the other side of the tag.
What is an ifting & Rigging Tags and how does it work?
An ifting & rigging tags is a type of heavy-duty tag that attaches to objects with hooks and eyes. These tags are used in applications such as forestry, construction, agriculture, and maritime industries. They're also commonly used for tracking items on production lines or warehouse floors.
A ifting & rigging tag records the weight, dimension (length x width x height), serial number, location/site code of each item it Tags - so you can accurately identify them later on when retrieving them or confirming their whereabouts.
ifting & Rigging Tags Basics
Ifting is the act of suspending a tag or bracket from a wire by means of an elastic cord. When tension is applied to the cord, it causes the tag or bracket to rise up off of the wire.
Rigging tags refers to attaching tags or brackets using rigging lines, which are essentially long cords connected at either end that secure and hold Tags in place while they're being printed. This allows for more accurate positioning and eliminates potential tag-lift issues during printing.
Benefits of Lifting and Rigging Tags
ifting & Rigging Tags can help to optimize your website for search engines, increase traffic, and boost conversions. Here are some of the benefits that you may experience:
Increased Rankings - Correcting typos and mistakes in your Url titles, meta descriptions, H1s/H2s etc. can help improve your site's rankings in Google.
Improved Traffic - When people find or click on a relevant tag that is associated with your business or product offer, they may be directed to your website directly. This will generate additional leads and sales opportunities for you.
Better Conversion Rates - Improved tagging can also lead to higher conversion rates as visitors are more likely to buy from websites where the content is properly tagged according to their interests.
This time, we have covered all the important aspects of these two financial operations. We hope that you found this article informative and were able to gain a deep understanding about ifting & rigging.