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Home Education Certified Legal Translation in Dubai- What You Know About Certified Translation?

Certified Legal Translation in Dubai- What You Know About Certified Translation?

by James Hickson - 19 Apr 2022, Tuesday 289 Views Like (0)
Certified Legal Translation in Dubai- What You Know About Certified Translation?

Certified legal translation from Transparent Language is the official translation of language used in legal settings and for legal purposes. Certified legal translation in Dubai can be performed by attorneys, judges, and other court officials within the state where the translation will be filed or presented in court. Here’s what you need to know about certified legal translation, including how it differs from standard notarization and the use of an apostle seal.

Types of Legal Translations

There are three major categories of legal translation. They are:

  • certified translation
  • notarization
  • legalization

Let’s take a look at what each one of these terms mean and how they relate to one another.

First up, we have certified translations. These are translations that have been formally vetted by an accredited organization and deemed accurate for use in a legal context. Next, we have notarization, which involves having your translated document certified as authentic by a notary public who works under state law in your country. Finally, we have legalization – sometimes referred to as diplomatic certification – which involves having your translated document officially verified with an apostle or seal from your country’s foreign affairs department or embassy in the UAE. Here’s more information on legal translation services in Dubai.

Certified translation – what is it?

To put it simply, a certified translation is a translation that has been authenticated. The process of verifying translations differs slightly depending on where you are, but generally involves three steps: First, your translator must certify his or her proficiency in English (or whichever language) via a recognized certification body.

Next, your documents must be notarized by an authorized legal entity. Lastly, your documents will need to be translated again and have an apostle affixed to them. This final step depends on which country you’re based in, as some countries do not require an apostle for legal purposes. For example, if you’re based in Dubai and want to translate legal documents into Arabic, we can help with all aspects of getting your document certified – just give us a call!

What it means to get your documents certified

Certification of your documents means they are certified true and correct. The only legal way to certify translation in Dubai is through a Notary Public. Once you have provided all of your supporting documents, we translate your documents and then send them to be certified by a Notary Public at one of their offices throughout Dubai. The next step involves submitting these documents to Immigration authorities for notarization in order for them to become legally recognized within Dubai. After that, we attach our official stamp and seal on each page before sending it back to you with proof of certified translation, together with an apostle from UAE's Ministry of Foreign Affairs if required.

Documents required for certification (documents list)

The documents necessary for certification vary depending on which country's embassy you are working with. However, there are three main categories of documents that you will always need: primary documents, secondary/supporting documents and declarations. With these three types of required documents in hand, it is relatively simple to find out what else may be needed.

Our Legal Translation specialists know exactly what each document type means and can assist with other specific information. In summary, however, if you want to get your legal translation certified in Dubai by a UAE consulate or government institution such as Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), Ministry of Justice (MOJ), Dubai Courts or DIFC Courts then you will need at least one original document from category A and one from category B.

The procedure to certify translations

The UAE Ministry of Justice (MoJ) sets out rules to certify translations. It follows that a certified translation in Dubai must be attested by one of several approved bodies, including: Law society; Justice Department / Court; and University / Alumni. In order to ensure that your certified translation meets legal standards, you should use an accredited service provider, who will arrange to send your translation through one of these bodies, with all fees included in their quote.

The language pairs they can translate include English into Arabic and Arabic into English. The legislation only applies to translations carried out for official purposes, so a personal document or informal correspondence would not require certification under Dubai law. If you are looking for an expert certified translator, contact us for high-quality legal translations!

Steps to certify your translation in Dubai

When you prepare to certify a translation, you must ask yourself two questions:

Will my document get lost in translation?

And Do I need to have it certified?

You don't want to let your hard work get lost in translation, so do some research on which types of documents need an official certification. Then, you can use that information to decide whether you need or want an official certification on your own documents.

Below are four main types of legal translations that require an official certification:

1. Commercial

2. Legal

3. Government

4. Academic

If you're not sure if you need an official certification for your documents, talk with a local lawyer who specializes in certifying legal translation in Dubai. They'll be able to help determine what type of certification will be needed for your specific documents. The following steps show how to certify a translation for different types of legal documents. Understand what certification means.

There are many different ways to translate words from one language into another language. Some translators specialize in certified translations while others specialize in un-certified ones.