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Strut Framework in java & its Components

by Digital raghul - 19 Sep 2022, Monday 512 Views Like (0)
Strut Framework in java & its Components

MVC architecture basics:

The architectural elements of the MVC pattern are created to handle various aspects of an application that is still under development. The MVC design pattern assists to divide the business logic from the presentation layer.

Why is MVC important to developers?

In the construction of apps and websites, MVC is the most popular software design pattern. The design pattern includes

  • Model

  • View

  • Controller

Model: handles and stores data

1. It consists of the business logic of the system.

2. It includes all of the application's data.

3. It displays the application's current state.

4. It is made up of classes that are linked to the database.

5. After connecting to the model, the controller retrieves the data and transmits it to the view layer.

6. A database that is connected to the model holds the data after the model communicates with the database.

Take a look at Graphical User Interface

1. It incorporates HTML, JSP, etc.

2. It displays the application's user interface.

3. It is used to display the data that is being fetched from model layer classes by the controller.

4. This view layer displays the data on the application's user interface.

Controller: The application's brain

1. The model and view are connected through the controller.

2. To fulfill the requirement to retrieve/update data in the model, the controller translates inputs from the view.

3. The controller takes input from the view and applies logic to transform it into a request for the model, which then collects the data. The controller then delivers the data from the model to the view for improved display.

What Are Struts?

  • Struts are frameworks built using a variety of Java technologies, including MVC architecture and JSP, Servlet, XML, and JSTL. This framework provides framework validation that is ready to use. The strength of Struts rests in the model layer via which it is possible to implement Struts with many Java technologies, like Spring, JDBC, Hibernate, etc.

  • The Apache Software Foundation develops the open-source framework known as Struts, which is freely downloaded from the Apache website. It might be

  • Struts 1. X and Struts 2. X are the two categories. Struts 1. X and Struts 2. X is vastly different from one another; Struts 2. X is the replacement for Struts 1.X. Because the data that has to be displayed to the user can be readily retrieved from the Action, Struts 2. x, which is fully based on the WebWorks2 framework, is also known as a pull-MVC architecture.

  • The class used by Action Servlet to define Struts' primary controller is defined. When a user submits a request to the server, the request is forwarded to the Action Servlet, which then recommends the appropriate major model and sends the request to that model. 

  • The application flow is supported by more than only the web.xml and struts-config.xml files. 

  • The struts-config.xml file maps a request to Action Forms, a straightforward POJO with UI-related properties, and Action classes. The deployment descriptor Web.xml handles all application-related settings. 

  • Many Java technologies, including JDBC, Spring, Hibernate, and others, support models. It primarily focuses on the application's business semantics.

Framework for Struts 2

  • Popular web application framework Struts2 Framework is based on the MVC design pattern. It is a complete rewriting of the Struts architecture, not merely a new version of Struts 1.

  • The Webwork framework was originally constructed on top of the Struts framework, and its goal was to provide developers with an improved and well-developed framework that is based on Struts. After a while, the Webwork framework and the Struts community collaborated to develop the renowned Struts2 framework.

Model 1 and Model 2 (MVC) Architecture

Architecture Model 1

  • creating web applications The two most advanced main technologies are Servlet and JSP.

  • Servlet is thought to be superior to CGI. Instead of creating processes, servlet technology instead produces threads to handle requests (or strings to deal with solicitation). Making a thread rather than a process has the benefit of using less memory. As a result, a servlet can handle a lot of subsequent solicitations in an efficient manner.

  • The issue with Servlet Technology is that recompilation always occurs whenever there is a change in the way the code is designed. It never offers a clear separation of duties. Business logic and presentation are combined

  1. The browser sends the request for the JSP page.

  2. JSP calls business logic from the Java Bean and accesses it.

  3. Data cannot be lost when a JavaBean connects to a database.

  4. The browser receives a JSP-generated answer.

Advantages of Model 1 Architecture

web application development is simple and rapid

Model 1 Architecture drawbacks

  • Because each JSP page is only accountable for managing the application state and verifying authentication and security, navigation control is decentralized.

  • Time-consuming: In JSP, bespoke label creation requires a lot more work. As a result, we cannot use scriptlet tags.

  • It is used for smaller, simpler task applications and is difficult to extend.

MVC Model 2 Architecture

In the construction of apps and websites, MVC is the most popular software design pattern. The design pattern includes

  • Model

  • View

  • Controller

Model: handles and stores data

  • It consists of the business logic for the system.

  • It includes all of the application's data.

  • It represents the application's current state.

  • It is made up of classes that are linked to the database.

  • The model is connected to the controller, which then retrieves the data and sends it to the view layer.

  • The model establishes a connection with the database and stores the information there.

Take a look at Graphical User Interface

  • It incorporates HTML, JSP, and other languages.

  • It displays the application's user interface.

  • Its purpose is to display the data that the controller, which in turn, retrieves data from model layer classes, is fetching.

  • This view layer displays the data on the application's user interface.

Controller: The application's brain

  • The model and view are connected through the controller.

  • To fulfill the requirement to retrieve/update data in the model, the controller translates inputs from the view.

  • The controller takes input from the view and applies logic to transform it into a demand for the model, which then collects the data. The controller then sends the data from the model back to the view for improved user display.

Model 2 (MVC) Architecture Benefits

  • The application is developing quickly now.

  • Collaboration amongst multiple developers is simpler.

  • Updates to the application are simpler.

  • Debugging is made simpler by the application's proper handling of various layers.

Model 2 (MVC) Architecture drawbacks

It is challenging to comprehend the MVC design.

Must have rigid guidelines for procedures.

Model 2 Architecture Solution: Configurable Components

  • The declarative method is used to define request mapping, view components, etc.

  • The Struts Framework can easily offer configurable MVC support.

  • The struts.xml file defines every action class and views components in Struts 2.

Java Struts 2 Components

  • Action Beans

  • Action servlets

  • ActionForm beans and Custom Tags

Describe the Bean tag

On a JSP page, it is used to create an instance of a bean.

It combines tags from the set and pushes.The function Object() { [native code] } for the bean needs to accept no arguments.


ActionServlet is used in the Struts2 framework to create Model-View-Controller (MVC)-based web applications, which are essentially designed for the pattern known as "Model 2." All requests made to the server in this process pass through the controller, and it is the controller's duty to forward all requests. After starting Struts Flow, the function process() must be called in order to handle the user's request.

Beans in ActionForm

A Java bean called an ActionForm combines one or more ActionMappings. For web applications, it keeps the session state up to date. When information is entered on the client side, the ActionForm object is automatically filled out on the server.

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