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Home Education Ten Best Tips to Design a Good Assignment - Student’s Guide in the UK!

Ten Best Tips to Design a Good Assignment - Student’s Guide in the UK!

by peter john - 18 Jul 2022, Monday 744 Views Like (0)
Ten Best Tips to Design a Good Assignment - Student’s Guide in the UK!

Every student has assignments to submit throughout their student life. These assignments are used for grading the students. Each student wants to score well to show their learning ability, skills and understanding of the subject. Therefore, a good designed and well-written assignments can help the students to get their marks which leads them to success.

Fully Understand the Assignment Topic First

Before starting the assignment, the most important thing to do is understand the topic. Reading and understanding the learning outcomes and the questions asked during the assignment aid in understanding what the teacher exactly wants in the assignment. Failing the step will lead to not answering the questions properly asked which ultimately leads to a low score. There are 3 different kinds of analysis for a better understanding of the assignment. The first is to identify the objective of the assignment. Secondly, build an understanding of a topic to answer the questions. Finally, collect all the relevant information about a topic.

Prepare an outline

Before proceeding further, outline the assignment. For a good assignment, outline the topic that will be under discussion in the assignment. It will help to organise the assignment and makes flow. This will also allow the student to collect some of the information that maybe are quotes and sources which is needed in the assignment. It will also make a foundation of the assignment or paper and this process assists in developing creative ideas. To start outlining, write the questions or short points on the top of the page. This helps a lot and saves time while writing.

Do your Research Well

Researching before the assignment offers a lot of benefits. When you find a fact in one reference source that is supported in another reference source, you can be assured that the fact you are using in your business paper or assignment is accurate. Students gain confidence that the fact they are using in the paper or assignment is accurate if they use one reference source that is backed by another reference source. It makes the work more authentic. The more resources a student utilises, the more points of view they will consider during your research. This enables the writer to consider other ideas than the one they were originally thinking of (ukassignmenthelp, 2022).

Follow the Correct Structure

While writing an assignment, it is necessary to develop the framework and structure. This ensures that each point is incorporated well into the paper. The structure will assist in breaking down each part into smaller parts making it easy to manage the assignment without scaring off the length that needed to be covered. This strategy is known as divide and conquer. For example, the thesis requires 10,000 words which is a very big and difficult task because the word count haunts the student. By using the correct structure, the part can be divided into smaller tasks. The introduction of the report becomes 300 to 400 words which seem possible to achieve. Following this strategy make sure that the long assignment or thesis is completed within the limited time having all the necessary and relevant information.

Write Short Paragraphs

Paragraphs are crucial in good because paragraphs provide a logical order. Each sentence in a paragraph is connected to the other. Each paragraph has its purpose and the first sentence is the topic sentence while other sentences support the topic sentence making proper connections with others. Short paragraphs are effective as they convey a clear and precise message only related to a specific topic. Writing short paragraphs results in scoring a good score. Calculate my gpa uk can be used to calculate the current progress in a particular course.

Be clear and concise 

Writing clear and concise helps the reader to interpret information easily. Assignment writing also requires concise and clear answers. Teachers and professors do not have enough time to interpret the information provided, so they may deduct marks due to vague sentences and lack of clarity. 

PEEl method

PEEL stands for precise, evidence, explain and link. The PEEL method is used to help in writing and structuring paragraphs such that they have a clear meaning that links to the topic. PEEL method assists in writing a short paragraph. It aids in making paragraphs that are easily understandable for readers. 

Do not miss the references

Referencing is an essential part of assignments. It is the skill that tells the reader the sources that have been used in the assignment while researching. Referencing is helpful to mention that facts which are mentioned are not vague or incorrect and are backed by different research papers and books (Santini, 2018). Referencing also help to make it clear that the idea student is presenting is their own and backed by the facts. Some references are used to state other writers’ ideas. Referencing makes the assignment more authentic. This also tells the professor that the student researched a lot and worked hard in writing assignments. Referencing can be used to give credit to another writer which is their intellectual property rights.

Follow Simplicity (in language and style)

Choosing words carefully is important to express ideas and thoughts. Writing complex ideas in simple word that helps any reader to completely understand the idea is an art. Simple words also show respect towards the audience.

Take online assistance from professionals

Another good way of designing the assignment is to get help online for a professional. Accounting Assignment Help UK offers professional services for designing and writing the technical accounting assignment in simple language with clear and concise points providing all the required references to help students in succeeding.


Following the tips will ensure the students achieve their goals. Students also get better at writing assignments while practising these tips. They can see the difference in their grades. A well-designed assignment shows the current performance of students and it will also improve the skill set of writing ideas in a logical and precise manner.


Santini, A., 2018. The importance of referencing. The Journal of Critical Care Medicine4(1), p.3.

UKAH. 2022. How You Can Complete Your Assignment in 5 Steps? Online Available at < > [Accessed on 15th June 2022]