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Why Learn R | Reasons to Learn R Programming

by Shams Khan - 27 Sep 2022, Tuesday 356 Views Like (0)
Why Learn R | Reasons to Learn R Programming


Often there are times when questions arise in the mind of every R aspirant, "Why Learn R?" What are the benefits of learning R? As a result, we will address all of these concerns in this detailed article. However, before jumping directly to a conclusion, it is necessary to know that R programming language is the most widely used language in data science. You can use it in the analysis of both structured and unstructured data. Moreover, R has become the standard language for executing statistical procedures. Apart from that, R has several features that make it different from other Data Science languages. Therefore, in order to learn such a language, R Programming Online Training In India is the preferred option for every organization. It also enables candidates to get aware of the reasons to learn the R language.

Reasons to Learn R Programming

R is a well-known programming language designed by and for statisticians. With its unmatched benefits, we will make you understand what R can accomplish for current and future Business Analysts. As a result, the main advantages learn R is as follows:

  • Free and Open Source

R is a free and open-source programming language. It is simple to use. All you have to do is install R once and start working on it. You may even change the code and put your innovation on it. The best part of the R programming language is that it has no licensing limitations as it is a part of the GNU General Public License (General Public License).

  • Cross-Platform Compatability

One of the significant advantages of learning the R programming language is that you can run on several operating systems and software or hardware. Moreover, you may often use it on Microsoft Windows (32-bit and 64-bit), Macintosh, GNU or Linux, UNIX, and its variants such as Mac OS X, Darwin, FreeBSD, Solaris, and others. Additionally, you may integrate with various mainframe operating systems.

  • Gateway to Lucrative Career

It's easy to use R programming language in data science. Moreover, this profession offers some of the highest-paying employment in the world. As a result, data scientists with R programming skills earn approximately more than $117,000 (Rs 80,56,093) a year. So, if you are Data Scientist and want to make a decent wage, then you should focus on mastering the skill of R programming.

  • Comprehensive Library

R has over 10,000 packages and millions of intrinsic functions to meet several purposes. However, there are multiple packages available for Data Manipulation, Visualization, Machine Learning, Statistical Modeling, and Imputation. So, whatever your requirement is, R pulls a product from its hat to assist you.

  • Excellent Visualization

R has packages like ggplot2 and plotly that let users create beautiful graphical plots. However, R stands out from other Data Science programming languages because of its amazing graphics.

  • Interactive Web Applications

R gives you the tools to create appealing web applications. You may create interactive dashboards directly from the console of your R IDE with the help of the R Shiny package. Also, you can do this to incorporate your visualizations and use attractive visuals to improve the storytelling of your data analysis.

  • Vast Community Support

A sizable community supports R programming and keeps it up to date. Moreover, you can get community assistance on websites like Stack Overflow if you run into problems with the R code. However, several communities exist in different parts of the world that conducts boot camps and R meetups.

  • Used in Almost Every Industry

One of the most popular programming languages today is R. You can use it in practically every sector, from banking and finance to healthcare and manufacturing. However, you can use R in the banking and financial sectors for portfolio management and risk analyses. Additionally, you can put R in use for bioinformatics genomic analysis and drug discovery analysis.

preferred language for data science and statistics

  • Language for data science and statistics

The standard programming language for statisticians is R. This language is in use even before the introduction of the term Data Science. Compared to another language, R is the statisticians and data scientists are most familiar with.


To conclude, the application of R programming is expanding across different business sectors. Since it can meet all user needs, it is one of the most flexible statistical tools. Also, you can drive the employment prospects in R by its growing popularity. Therefore, enrolling in the R Programming Training Institute in Noida will help you to understand its uses and make you efficient enough for a lucrative career option.