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Don’t Get Fooled by Fake Electrical Certificates for Landlords

by Nuswa Smith - 04 Nov 2021, Thursday 244 Views Like (0)
Don’t Get Fooled by Fake Electrical Certificates for Landlords

Electric certificates for landlords are an essential component of the property energy bill. A properly installed energy efficient system can substantially reduce its overall energy bill by as much as eighty percent. If you're planning on installing an energy efficient system, obtain your free energy certificates for landlords prior to you even buy your new property. You will be required to give them a copy of your meter records once the system is installed. This is a requirement that you won't want to overlook. If your system isn't installed correctly, or if your meter records are incorrectly read, you may find that you're retro-charged more than you should have been, or that you're paying too much for energy.

It's Also Important That You're up To Code

When it comes to electrical installation and electrical servicing of your property. Most landlords will require that you have up-to-date safety standards in place in order to provide a safe environment for your tenants. The most common requirements for landlords are carbon monoxide alarms, up-to-date smoke alarm systems, and proper electrical installation. Don't ignore these requirements; they are both vital components of your landlord's responsibility and can prove to be quite costly if ignored.

One of the first things that you'll want to look into is whether or not your current safety certificates meet current health and safety standards. Most landlords will require that you have up-to-date safety certificates in place before they will grant you an electrical permit. If your property has some damage, you'll also need to supply your landlords with photos of said damage. This is also a requirement that all landlords must adhere to.

In Order to Legally Obtain Your Electrical Permit

You'll need to fulfill a number of legal requirements. The first legal requirement is that your property must be in compliance with the Health & Safety Executive. This includes having smoke alarms installed and in full operational. You'll also need to have updated electrical installations and your landlord electric safety certificate must be up-to-date as well. If the property is unoccupied, this is the first legal requirement that you must fulfill 786electricals.

Another requirement that you must meet for obtaining an EICR certificate is that your property is not in an area of high electrical risk. This could include close proximity to combustible gas, flammable substances, or electrical sources that are used for industrial purposes. If your landlord electric safety certificate doesn't comply with this requirement, your permit will be declined.

Once you’ve Met All the Legal Requirements

You're ready to apply for your certificate. Your application will be reviewed by a clerk who will determine whether or not you're provided with your permit. If your application is approved, then your certificate will be mailed to you within a few weeks. From there, you'll receive a code number and a ticket number. All landlords must display the number on the property so that tenants and prospective tenants can check to see if they can rent the property.

Electricians who don't possess certificates may obtain them through a variety of means including the Gas Safe Register (GSR), the Building Regulations (BPR) or the Building Regulations (BCRA). When purchasing certificates or obtaining certificates for new landlords, it's important to make sure the person selling has the proper training. Some people may try to sell you certificates for gases or fire safety that isn’t valid.

In Order to protect your Interests and That of Your Tenants

Make sure you purchase the right type of electrical installation for your property. There are many different types of electrician certificates out there so it's important that you make a wise choice. Look into what each type covers so you have all the information up front. Purchasing the right landlord eicr certificates and other forms of electrical installation will help you make a more informed decision and provide the peace of mind you need to avoid problems with your existing electrical system.