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Home Electronics Five Tips to Beat the Heat This Summer

Five Tips to Beat the Heat This Summer

by Mary Spark - 26 Jul 2021, Monday 472 Views Like (0)
Five Tips to Beat the Heat This Summer

You may be looking forward to another hot summer with a little bit of worry. Sure, your air conditioning will keep the home atmosphere cool. Though, you may suffer when you’re paying the monthly electricity bill. But here are a few fantastic tips you can follow to increase the efficiency of your system and save you some money.

You can achieve some of these with easy changes in behavior.  But, for some others, you may need help from AC repair professionals. All of these are beneficial at making your air conditioner function more efficiently with the temperature rise.

Clean Filters

A clean filter probably is the easiest. Yet, it is the most crucial thing you can do as a homeowner to take care of your HVAC system. As time passes, debris and dust grow, which can cause slowing down the airflow. If there is a clog in the filter, your system needs to work harder. Therefore, it ultimately raises your electricity bills.

During high-use weather, such as summer, you might require to change the filter of your air conditioning once a month. The lifespan of these filters varies. It is usually based on numerous factors. For example, what kind of filter works best for your air conditioner and how much your air conditioner is used. Some filters can go around 3 to 6 months. We highly suggest inspecting your air filter once every 30 days. Furthermore, do not wait longer than 60 days to replace or clean it.

Adjust Your Thermostat

With the high humidity and heat, it’s very easy to speed up the air conditioning to be cool during the hot months. Unluckily, it’s also one of the most accessible means to make your electricity bill spike. Suppose you are the kind of person who can’t stay without an air conditioner. Then, you need to keep the temperature of your thermostat just cool enough to make you comfortable.

Experts recommend adjusting your thermostat at 78?F and enhancing it with fans. For every degree you put up your thermostat, you can save 4 to 5 per cent on your air conditioning bill expenses.

Clean Air Conditioner Condenser

It's best if you clean your system at least one time a year. Particularly at the start of the season. Your air conditioner has a condenser unit. Its location is probably outdoors. Always assure that nothing is bending against the unit, like backyard toys or lawn chairs. Because it can result in damage to the unit. Plus, you need to clean if any overgrown leafy plants can be the source of disturbance in their function.

Moreover, be careful while cleaning. Don't damage any extensions while clearing the place around it. Close down the power before starting to clean the condenser deeply, then eliminate the fan.

Also, make sure you clean the fins of the condenser with the help of a lawn hose. You need to be very careful while cleaning and drying it because fins are extremely delicate. When you complete the cleaning, replace the fan grill. Now, you have an improved and clean air conditioner condenser that is ready to give you comfort throughout the summer!

Vacuum And Unblock Your Vents

The best thing you can do to increase the efficiency of your AC is to protect the vents from debris. Spend some time walking around your home and check your ducts. They will be either going to be on the floor or the ceiling. Remember to consider the following while evaluating:

  • Size of the air filter is required, if any, for the vents?
  • Do your vents look filthy with dust, pet hair, and other residue?
  • Can you recall the last time you cleaned the vents?

Though, you might also go for a complete professional cleaning of your ducts. Take little time to eliminate any residue from your indoor air supply ducts. It is vital if you want to maintain smooth airflow through your air conditioner. Even if you vacuum and dust daily, your vents might still get blocked by rugs, blinds, furniture, or toys.

Shady Area

Sun rays can result in heating your air conditioning system. It can cause unnecessary stress on the cooling system because it will need more energy to make the air in the house cool. That can boost the efficiency of the system by 16%.

That is why it is essential to induct a cover on the air conditioning unit to avoid this from occurring. For this purpose, you can even utilise tree shade to protect the unit. But it would be best if you were cautious of the leaves that might fall on the air conditioner unit.


Give these tips a try this hot season, and watch out for how amazingly they work for you. Minor changes, putting up together, can create a considerable difference in the energy you’ll utilise for cooling.

By applying these tips, you will save money, and you will love a home that’s more pleasing and comfortable as well. Suppose you’re thinking about a significant update to your AC. Contact any good residential AC repair for your comfort and peace of mind!