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Introduction To Power Surge And How To Prevent It

by Zyair Adan - 16 Aug 2022, Tuesday 283 Views Like (0)
Introduction To Power Surge And How To Prevent It

One of the most valuable (and widely utilized) modern innovations is electricity. It's the foundation upon which practically everything in your home functions — and, increasingly, in other ways, such as electric vehicles.

Considering the significance of energy, we must have a consistent and stable supply. While each power utility seeks to do so, a power outage might occasionally impede the process.

Electrical surges can overload and short out household gadgets and anything else hooked into the wall in an instant. They can deteriorate over time. Understanding surges can help you save money and protect your property.

Join us as we learn everything there is to know about power surges and how you can prevent them. Keep reading!

What is a power surge?

Surges of electric energy that are higher than typical are referred to as "power surges." In most countries, standard voltage levels for domestic appliances and electronics vary between 110 and 220 volts, with 120 volts being the most common in the United States.

A power surge occurs when substantially more voltage flows through wires into equipment. Surges can be tiny or huge, resulting in decreased performance or the potential for damage to plugged-in equipment.

Power surges occur in three ways:

  • During a disruption in the flow of electricity, it is preceded by a short interruption.
  • When an enhanced delivery of power disrupts the flow of electricity back into the system,
  • When an internal and external force sends a sudden surge in voltage across a power supply.

However, when lightning strikes electricity lines or a transformer, power surges can range from one volt over the cutoff maximum of 169 volts to hundreds of excess volts.

Reasons for a power surge

A power spike occurs for several reasons. Electrical overload, defective wiring, lightning storms, and the restoration of electricity after a power failure or blackout are the most common causes. Let's take a closer look at each of these factors.

Overloading on electricity

When too much energy is pulled from a single circuit, an electrical overload can develop. Overusing power cables and putting too many gadgets into the same circuit are the most typical causes.

Following an electrical overload, power surges are typical because the overloaded single circuit might get a tremendous current and consequent voltage rise from the extra power being consumed.

Wiring issues

Bad power surges are a result of bad wiring, which is more likely to occur when electrical lines deteriorate or become visible. Faulty wiring might be difficult to spot, particularly if it's covered behind walls.

However, there are additional indicators of poor wiring. Outlets with burn marks, a burning stench coming from cabling or outlets, a buzzing sound emanating from channels, and circuit breakers tripping regularly are all symptoms to look for.

If you notice these indicators, immediately unhook any connected electronic items and, if feasible, switch off the power to the area. If you suspect defective wiring, you should contact a qualified electrician.

Strike of lightning

Direct exposure to lightning rarely causes harm to appliances. It can still cause havoc by causing a power surge. A direct impact on transmission lines, which produces a high voltage, frequently causes lightning damage.

When this happens, the electric circuit has no choice except to absorb the massively overcurrent. This results in a massive voltage spike, which causes a major power surge. As a result, during severe storms, you should disconnect any equipment that does not have surge protection.

Blackout or power outage

Large-scale power system failures are the most common source of power outages, and while the lack of electricity rarely causes problems, the reconnection can.

When electricity is restored after an outage, it's usual to notice a dramatic increase in current. As a result, any plugged-in appliances and electronics that do not have surge suppressors might be damaged by this power surge.

How do we prevent power surges?

There are various techniques to prevent harm from internal power surges, as well as damage from external energy surges that are beyond your control. Make sure your equipment is not overloading circuits to avoid internal surges.

You should not connect big appliances, such as air conditioners, to the same outlet as other appliances, and your wiring should be up to code. While external power surges can sometimes be unavoidable, you can still protect your gadgets and appliances from damage by unplugging them during severe storms.

Surge protectors for appliances and devices can also be used to prevent excess power from reaching your electronics in the case of a power surge. You can even put a whole surge protector to protect your electronics.

What are the signs of a power surge?

There are a few warning indicators to look out for that could suggest an impending power outage. Watch out for the following:

  • Lights that flicker, buzz, or dim
  • Frayed wiring
  • Surfaces around wires that change color or scorches
  • Outlets are emitting smoke.
  • Outlets that are warm or vibrate
  • Near outlets, there is a burning odor or a strange, harsh odor.

Are surge protectors really necessary?

Surge protectors are not essential for your electronic equipment to function under typical conditions. A quick voltage spike and associated power surge, on the other hand, could destroy your monitor, computer, or another plugged-in device if you don't have a surge protector.

However, even if a power surge doesn't destroy your equipment, it can limit its lifespan, erase stored data, or impair them in other ways.


To conclude, now that you know everything about power surges and surge protectors, the only thing left to do is make sure you seek protection from them.

During severe storms, remember to disconnect any important electronics or sophisticated equipment. Try to give your major appliances their circuits or at least outlets to draw electricity from.

Remember that surge protectors are usually a smart idea for any gadgets that need protection. Whether because they're pricey or because you don't want to risk losing stored data if a sudden power surge wipes it out.

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