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Ways to Celebrate Women’s Day

by Ruby Singh - 07 Oct 2021, Thursday 230 Views Like (0)
Ways to Celebrate Women’s Day

Be it the ‘who-run-the-world’ campaign or the #In the metoo movement, women have always found a way to express themselves unapologetically and fiercely. With the accelerated spark in feministic approach now-thanks to the mighty social media, women not only have a platform to address their issues but embrace their individual identities. 

From celebrating women of color to sharing women’s day memes, we have all learnt the difference between misogyny and misconceptions about feminism and strive each day trying to make a difference and proving our worth. 

Luckily we’re blessed with a day of our own to commemorate and praise the women around us. For their unyielding efforts to unparalleled contributions to society and our lives. 

We have come up with a list of ideas you can explore to celebrate women’s day with the gorgeous-strong headed and quick-witted ladies in your life!

An Appreciation Letter
Call us old school, but we evidently believe a good hand written letter never goes out of style and is just the sweetest thing one can hold onto. 

Each one of us has women in our life we are immensely proud of and can’t stop gushing over their undaunting spirit. Take a pretty card and write your heart out, tell them how awe-inspiring they are to you and the energy they bring to your world. 

Doesn’t matter if it is your mom, best friend or the lady boss you work with, as long as a women’s day meme card or an appreciation message puts a smile on their face and boosts their confidence , it’s all worth it!

Intimate Gifts

Women love small, intimate gifts that hold sentimental value. It is falsely claimed how extravagant our gifts have to be. Well, we do love to flaunt a stunning bag but what would stay with us for a longer time are the sentimental gifts.  

From a small jar of scented candle to their favorite flower, express your appreciation by acknowledging their efforts and presence. 

Customized Girl Power Presence

You can get personalized mugs for everyone at work with slogans and phrases that get your girlfriends hyped up! 

Compliments are magical, especially when they’re written on something that eyes can catch every day. You can get cups, coasters, frames and other table décor items customized and remind them how special they are. 

Get-to-Gather with Your Girl Gang

Nothing compares to the vulnerable crying session and fits of laughter you get with your girl gang. From sharing personal losses and tragedies to the rollercoaster of mood-swing events, girls love to share! 

You can arrange a small party and celebrate the women you admire the most. Dedicate the party to the girl who stood like a rock in her recent turmoil or you could celebrate the worker who filed against the harassment case.

Conduct panel discussion, tell untold stories and educate each other with the latest developments in the on-going movements. 

Arrange a Self-Defense Class 

All kids are born the same but societal pressures mold girls into fragile creatures. Who then have to learn to leave their proverbial nest become fierce and rise strong to survive.

This women’s day you can call your girl squad and hit the gym, learn some self-defense moves together. It’s always good to take these sessions and learn how powerful you are and how you can protect yourself

Self-defense reminds us of another useful product you can give your girls, a pepper spray or a Defense Taser, which is handheld, portable and easy-to-use in case they get into any unforeseen trouble.

Volunteer and Donate To an All-Women Charity

Another satisfying and productive way to celebrate Women’s day is to volunteer at a social service community or NGO that solely works for women empowerment.

It is educational, responsible and a brilliant initiative you can take to enhance your betterment journey. If you can’t take time out to participate then make a contribution to their purpose by donating in their cause. From Breast Cancer Funds to Acid Attack Victims, you can pay your respect and join the helping hand.

Watch and Learn About the Women of Substance

Experiences and Education are what help us grow. Unless we learn about the women of history we can’t become women of substance. Educating ourselves with the historical contributions of women like Babe Didrikson Zaharias and Jane Goodall or how the world should be thankful to the radium girls for employment laws, we can’t broaden our horizons.

As important as it is to learn about these amazing women, it is equally important to grow through our experiences. By embracing our flaws and taking active part by voicing our opinion in movements such as body positivity and metoo, we can spread hope and motivate others.

Including men in our life in these empowering sessions can also help the society become a better, safer and a more accepting place for women to thrive, grow and nourish in!

We hope this article helps you celebrate Women’s day in a more authentic way and in a manner that is more soul-fulfilling and purpose serving!