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Home Health And Fitness A Brief Guide to Getting Coolsculpting in Montreal
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A Brief Guide to Getting Coolsculpting in Montreal

by Ruby Singh - 29 Jul 2021, Thursday 179 Views Like (0)
A Brief Guide to Getting Coolsculpting in Montreal

CoolSculpting is a non-invasive procedure undertaken for fat reduction. The procedure doesn’t require needles, anesthesia, or incisions. If the name of the process didn’t give it away, CoolSculpting in Montreal is based on the principle of cooling subcutaneous fat (layer of fat under the skin) to a temperature where the fat cells get destroyed and absorbed by the body.

How does CoolSculpting work?

The process is based on cryolipolysis which basically makes use of the cellular response to cold to break the fatty tissues down. The process draws energy from the fat cells and gradually breaks them down, without affecting the surrounding muscles, nerves, and tissues. After the treatment, the cells are gradually sent to the lymphatic system and eventually filtered out of the body as waste.

Some of the targeted areas of CoolSculpting include: 

  • Arms
  • Chin area (for those having a double chin)
  • Back fat
  • Underneath the buttocks
  • Inner and outer thighs
  • Upper and lower abdomen
  • Flanks

Benefits of opting for CoolSculpting in Montreal

Everyone wants to have a slimmer or an attractive physique, but it’s easier said than done. Clearly, weight loss takes time, effort, and some serious self-control. But sometimes, you don’t need weight loss, you just need to get fat removed from a particular problem area. This is where CoolSculpting shines. So, here are a few advantages of the same.

  • Targeted fat reduction: The body stores fat in different places and we don’t have a say in this. So, when you go for a weight loss program, you lose weight but you don’t choose the parts of the body from where the fat burns. CoolSculpting on the other hand, is a targeted procedure and the applicator is placed on a designated area, giving you a localized fat reduction.
  • Highly cost-effective: Liposuction too helps in achieving a targeted fat reduction, but the process is way more expensive than CoolSculpting. The fact that it is an invasive procedure, requires anesthesia, and includes various overhead charges as surgeon’s fees, operating room charges, medicines, and more, makes it costly. This is why people have started opting for more cost-effective procedures as CoolSculpting.
  • Low risk: Most people try avoiding surgeries because of the risks involved. Even if the surgery is performed by an expert/ experienced plastic surgeon, it still can be a bit risky. On the other hand, CoolSculpting has minor side effects like temporary numbness of the area, but since there’s no anesthesia involved or blood loss, it has quickly become one of the favorite ways of losing unnecessary fat.
  • Effective Result: The whole purpose of the process is to achieve fat reduction. So how does it measure up? CoolSculpting gained medical clearance quite a while back and has since performed magically. There are thousands of individuals worldwide who’ve been able to shed unnecessary kilos, all thanks to this non-invasive procedure.
  • No scarring: An aspect of liposuction that generally scares people away from the procedure is scarring. There’s literally no way around it as incision would always leave a scar. While it’s true that liposuction scars are small, if there’s a way to avoid them altogether, why not go for it? Thus, CoolSculpting in Montreal is a great alternative to surgery.
  • Easy on schedule: When you opt for an invasive procedure like liposuction, you’d have to be at the surgical center for several hours or days for the preparation, the surgery, and recovery. In fact, it takes weeks for individuals to get back to doing strenuous physical activity after the surgery. On the other hand, CoolSculpting takes an hour at most, and in some cases takes only 30 minutes or so. Moreover, there’s no downtime after CoolSculpting. The few side effects that it does have, aren’t enough to restrict you to bed and subside over time. 

Key takeaway

CoolSculpting has great potential when done from a reliable place by an experienced dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon. It is an effective fat reduction treatment that has a strong track record of patient satisfaction. So, if you are ready to deep dive into the path towards a better body, we’d recommend getting in touch with a reliable practitioner for fat freezing consultation.