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Best Exercise for Pregnant Mums

by John Warren - 08 Feb 2022, Tuesday 155 Views Like (0)
Best Exercise for Pregnant Mums

???????You may have heard that staying active while pregnant helps with minimising the complications and discomfort of pregnancy, including back pains, swollen ankles, and more. 

And that couldn’t be any more true! It’s recommended for pregnant women to have at least 2.5 hours of physical activity every week for a smoother pregnancy and quicker recovery after birth. 

Before you lace up your sneakers and get going, though, do you know what are the suggested exercises for pregnant women? We’ll talk about this and more here!

First, we’ll go over what’s generally deemed as safe activities for expecting mums.

Is it safe to exercise during pregnancy?

Obviously, now isn’t the time to learn how to rock climb, scuba dive and paraglide, but that doesn’t mean pregnant women can’t break into a sweat!

Exercising is generally safe for most pregnant women and their babies. Besides boosting your mood, staying active during pregnancy can help with your baby’s development

At your first prenatal checkup, we’d recommend asking your doctor for advice on the types of light physical activities you can try before starting any exercise programme.  

(Some off-limit activities include basketball, hot yoga, mountain biking, and horseback riding, but we’re sure you have an idea of which ones to avoid already!)

How much should I exercise during pregnancy?

Dr Amy Khor, from the Ministry of Health and Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources, advises mums-to-be to engage in 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity every week. 

Once the endorphins are kicking in, you might be tempted to squeeze in all 150 minutes in 2 to 3 days. Instead, break it up into half-hour exercises on most or all days of the week to give your body time to rest and adjust!

However, if you find it hard to do 30 minutes of exercise straight, split up the half-hour by walking for 10 minutes and doing anything physical for the remaining time. The minutes spent on vacuuming the floor count!

Remember: don’t pressure yourself to hit 2.5 hours of exercise every week. It’s perfectly fine to miss a few minutes (or an hour) on your first week of exercise!

8 recommended exercises for pregnant women

Aerobic and cardiovascular exercises are strongly advised for expecting mums because they help increase blood circulation as well as improve muscle strength and endurance. You’ll need these come delivery day!

  1. Swimming

There may be no better exercise for mums-to-be than swimming! While in the water, you’ll feel lighter and more agile, making it easier to move freely. 

Plus, a dip in the pool can help relieve nausea, reduce puffy ankles, and loosen your joints and ligaments (which are common in pregnancy).

Reminder: instead of jumping or diving into the water, step into it as the impact of the water can be harmful for your baby and uterus.

  1. Brisk walking

Another ideal exercise for pregnant women is brisk walking. It’s an easy and simple workout that you can do any time of the day. 

It’s one of the few exercises that mums-to-be can do right up till their delivery date, so you can break into a sweat even a couple of days before checking into the hospital. 

The best thing about brisk walking is that it doesn’t cost anything: no gym equipment is involved, just your good old sneakers. 

It’s a good chance to breathe in some fresh air and get some Vitamin D too!

  1. Jogging or running

If you want something a bit more intense than walking, going for a run on a treadmill or flat terrain may be suitable for you!

Stay away from uneven and inclined surfaces though, as it may make the activity harder on your knees and result in accidents or injuries if you’re not careful.

  1. Aerobic classes

If you were never a fitness-inclined person, aerobic classes and dance workout sessions are the perfect entry-level exercises for you. 

These types of exercise are a great way to keep the endorphins flowing and increase your heart rate while hitting some simple dance moves!

  1. Weight lifting

Yes, you heard that right: expecting mums can do some weight lifting to increase their strength and muscle tone during pregnancy.

However, instead of heavy weights across fewer reps, go for lighter weights and more reps (usually no more than 15 reps in one set).

As with any type of exercise, don’t forget to stretch before and after your workout!

  1. Yoga

You’ve probably heard that prenatal yoga is one of the best exercises for mums-to-be. It encourages flexibility, focus, and relaxation, all of which you’ll need before giving birth and for everything that comes after!

We suggest looking for a yoga class that’s catered to pregnant women as certain yoga poses may not be safe for expecting mums. 

As advised by healthcare professionals, you’d want to stay away from Bikram because it’s an exercise that will heat you up too much! You may feel tired and lightheaded just after a single session. 

  1. Pilates

Pilates is another popular exercise among pregnant women. It’s a workout that mainly focuses on increasing flexibility, lengthening muscles and strengthening the core - the perfect preparation for delivery. 

Other benefits of Pilates include improved posture and back pain relief, both of which are commonly experienced by mums-to-be!

Reminder: you may want to inform your instructor of your pregnancy to avoid movements that overstretch your body. 

Tips for exercising during pregnancy

  • Stay hydrated

Drink at least a glass of water for every 30 minutes of working out. Start drinking water at least 30 minutes before starting and then continue drinking during and after workouts. 

  • Take things slow

Keep in mind that you’re exercising to prepare your mind and body for giving birth, not the Olympics, so learn to slow down and know your limits. 

  • Listen to your body

Since you’re expecting, never exercise to the point of exhaustion. It feels good to sweat a little, but that’s not an indication to keep pushing yourself.

If you start experiencing calf pain, muscle swelling, and cramps, that’s your body telling you to stop and give yourself a rest. 

Staying active during pregnancy

There’s no need to stay idle during the early months of pregnancy! There are certain exercises that mums-to-be can do that aren’t only beneficial for them, but also for their little bundle of joy!

Hatchery Cribs is a one-stop baby online store that carries a range of mummy essentials that will make exercising easier for you! You can check out our products on our website or book a tour of our showroom to see them for yourself.