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Home Health And Fitness Follow These 4 Yoga Asanas to Grow or Lengthen Hair Faster
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Follow These 4 Yoga Asanas to Grow or Lengthen Hair Faster

by Arti Kanwar - 16 Jun 2022, Thursday 693 Views Like (0)
Follow These 4 Yoga Asanas to Grow or Lengthen Hair Faster

All these yoga asanas improve the circulation of blood in the head, due to which the hair roots get nourishment, and hair growth takes place.

Due to problems like hair fall, dandruff, etc., the length of the hair stops. Yoga asana is very helpful for increasing the length of the hair. Hair growth is accelerated by doing yoga. And along with this, the problem of hair fall is also removed through yoga. Doing yoga improves blood circulation in the head and nourishes the hair roots, so these yoga asanas are beneficial for long hair. In today's article, we will know which yoga asanas should be done, which can increase the length of hair sitting at home.

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1. Padahastasana

This asana strengthens the hair roots. At the same time brings shine to our hair. By doing this asana daily, the length of the hair will increase. By doing this asana, the body's blood has to be brought towards the head, which reduces the hair problem. Reduces Dandruff.

How to do Padahastasana:

  • First, stand on the middle part of the mat by joining both the feet.
  • While inhaling, raise both your hands towards the sky.
  • And slightly pull the stomach in and straighten the waist.
  • Then while exhaling, hold the toes of the feet touching the upper part of the body with the hands.
  • And in this yoga asana, the head remains down towards the ground.
  • Hold 30 to 35 seconds in this posture. If you feel a lot of stretch in the legs, then do it with a slight bend in your knees.
  • While inhaling, bring your hands towards the sky and bring your hands back to the state of mindfulness.
  • Take rest for some time.

2. Ustrasana

By doing Ustrasana, there is blood circulation in the head. Due to this, the roots of the hair become strong, and the length of the hair increases. At the same time, it increases oxygen in our bodies. And doing Ustrasana in the right way gives proper benefits.

How to do Ustrasana:

  • First, bend both the knees and sit on the toes.
  • Keep both hands on the waist. While inhaling, stand on your knees.
  • And make a gap between both the knees equal to the shoulder.
  • While inhaling, take both hands towards the sky and try to hold your heels one by one.
  • Exhale slowly and come back.
  • Hold 30 seconds in this posture.


  • When you are doing this asana, do not keep your hair tied. Keep them open.
  • People who have joint pain, severe back pain, or frozen shoulder problems, then they should do this asana carefully or under someone's direction.

3. Parvatasana

By doing this asana, our memory capacity increases. Also, it is a good posture for the length of our hair. This asana is good for those people who have dandruff problems. This asana strengthens our shoulders. This asana also strengthens our digestive system. Even when our digestion is not well and good, we can have hair fall. So by doing this asana, digestion is fine and hair too.

How to do Parvatasana:

  • First, bend both your legs and sit on your toes, the heels will be on the outside.
  • Gently place both your hands on the ground in front, and open the fingers.
  • And slowly raising the knees, both the toes will remain on the ground. Then now this shape will look like a mountain.
  • And while doing this asana, keep in mind that your stomach should remain slightly inwards.
  • Hold 15-20 seconds in this posture. And if you're just starting out, stop for 5 seconds.
  • Gently plant your knees on the ground. And there, rest for a while.


Those who have frozen shoulder or cervical should do this asana under someone's guidance.

4. Mandukasana

This asana will put pressure on your stomach and there will be a balance of hormones in the body. Doing this every day will bring shine to the face and hair. By doing this asana, our blood flow towards the face, due to which there is also a glow on the face. It activates all the glands in our heads. Due to this, your hormones are also balanced and you feel relaxed. This asana also removes the fatigue of the head. It is also beneficial in the problem of headaches. This asana is very good for hair growth. This asana also removes the problem of hair fall.

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How to do Mandukasana:

  • First, bend both the legs and sit in Vajrasana.
  • Keep the waist straight. And while inhaling, take both your hands towards the sky and while exhaling, make fists with both your hands. In this, your thumb will be on the inside.
  • And keep that part next to your navel from where your thumb starts.
  • Put the forehead part on the ground.