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The Definition of an Obstetric Fistula? Prevention & Avoidance of Obstetric Fistula

by Dr Azhar Alam - 04 Jul 2022, Monday 321 Views Like (0)
The Definition of an Obstetric Fistula? Prevention & Avoidance of Obstetric Fistula

The definition of an Obstetric Fistula? Prevention & Avoidance of Obstetric Fistula

What is fistula?

It's an abnormal opening between the vagina, bladder , and/or the rectum. It's usually caused by labor during obstetrics. About 50,000 to 100,000 women are affected by fistulas caused by obstetrics on a regular basis. In addition, more than 2 million females suffer from untreated obstetric fistulas throughout Asia and sub-Saharan African. Repair of fistulas was an extremely common procedure in Western countries by the latter part of 1800, and was often carried out in fistula-specific hospitals. The final of these hospitals shut down just prior to 1900.

Obstetric fistulas don't just cause serious medical issues however, they can cause a lot of grief to women in a social, psychological and economic standpoint. Inability to stop the continual leakage in urine. There might be a smelly vaginal discharge, or the passing of stool through the vagina, and the possibility of having recurring painful infections and constant discomfort. The stink from urine as well as feces could cause people to avoid friends and family and result to the female losing social standing and security from her family.

For every woman who receives treatment 50 women are left without treatment.

Obstetric fistula, as a condition, is not addressed specifically in the SDGs However, it is dealt with in SDG3 which focuses on improving maternal health.

* Indicator 3.1.1 The maternal mortality ratio is a reference to the amount of women who die due to pregnancy-related causes during their pregnancy or in the 42-day period after the termination of pregnancy per 100 live births.

* Indicator 3.1.2 The percentage in births that are attended to by staff specially trained to provide the required supervision as well as care and advice for women during pregnancy or labor, as well as the postpartum time as well as to carry out births on their own and to provide care for infants.

It is crucial to note that fistulae may also happen without any connection to labor. Iatrogenic fistula can occur after the urinary tract is cut during a cesarean birth or in the course of surgery that is not related to birth. In rare instances that radiation is emitted to the pelvic region may cause the formation of a fistula. Fistulas from trauma can also occur due to sexual assault, whether in the course of the rape itself , or due to placing objects inside the vagina.

Obstetric fistula can be avoided (and this information requires your constant attention and repetition!) through a variety of actions, including:

* extending the age of the first pregnancy;
* the end of traditional practices that are harmful;
* access to timely the obstetrics.

What can a fistula be treated?

A holistic approach is necessary that includes the elements already mentioned. A good maternal health system access to family planning services, skilled medical care during the birth, and complete emergency obstetrical care and, of course, cost-effective surgical treatment for fistula are all crucial aspects of the treatment. Counselling is a crucial part of recovery. About 80-95% vaginal fistulas can heal surgically by repairing the vaginal hole and the bladder.

There are several Doctors involved in the repair of fistulas and repair, Like Dr. Azhar Alam, who is the best Fistula Doctor in Kolkata, India.