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Home Health And Fitness When Should You Go For Glomerular Filtration Rate Test?
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When Should You Go For Glomerular Filtration Rate Test?

by Platinum Homes - 23 Jun 2022, Thursday 636 Views Like (0)
When Should You Go For Glomerular Filtration Rate Test?

When Should You Go for Glomerular Filtration Rate Test?

Kidneys are among the vital organs of our body and play an important role in keeping us healthy. The main function of a kidney is to help your body get rid of excess water and waste by producing urine.

If you want to know if your kidneys are filtering well or not, you can determine the rate of glomerular filtration in kidney. This will help you find out if you have kidney disease or not. In case of disease, you can take different steps to help your kidneys function well.

Moreover, if you find this at an early stage, it can be easy for you to get rid of it shortly. So, if you want to protect your kidneys, you should for this test quite often.

Purpose of Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate Test:

A doctor may ask for an estimated glomerular filtration rate test if he suspects you of being a kidney patient. The kidney disease at an early stage is usually not symptomatic. However, a doctor can ask for an estimated glomerular filtration rate test to diagnose it.

Doctors usually ask for this test for patients who are at a higher risk of getting kidney diseases. For instance, if it is present in your family, your doctor may ask you for this test to help you get an early diagnosis and treatment.

It is important to go for this test if you have a family history of chronic kidney disease. That’s because it is associated with multiple other health issues too. These health problems may include high blood pressure and diabetes.

Sometimes, a person becomes overweight, and this can lead to serious consequences, even leading to kidney failure. So, if you want to avoid all these associated health problems, you need to go for this test.

If you do not opt for this test at an early stage of chronic kidney disease, you may observe some symptoms. These symptoms can help you indicate the presence of chronic kidney disease. These symptoms may include loss of appetite along with nausea and vomiting.

Sometimes, you may also feel itching and muscle cramps. Chronic kidney disease is also associated with urinating more frequently compared to usual. All these symptoms and swelling in your legs, arms, and feet indicate chronic kidney disease.

So, if you have these symptoms, you need to consult a doctor immediately, and going for an estimated glomerular filtration rate test is also necessary.

How can you keep your Kidney Work Well?

If you want your kidneys to work well, you need to adopt a healthy lifestyle. This will not only help you stay healthy, fresh, and active, but you can also avoid chronic kidney disease. So, if you want to keep your kidneys functioning well, you need to have the following lifestyle modifications:

  • Take an Active Part in Physical Workout:

If you want your kidneys to work their best, you need to take an active part in physical workout regularly. This will play an important role in helping you reduce the risk of getting chronic kidney disease.

Moreover, this will also help you boost your health as a regular physical workout helps you lower your blood pressure. This also plays a key role in helping you reduce the risks of chronic kidney disease significantly.

You can go for any type of healthy physical workout to keep your kidneys safe. For instance, you can opt for cycling, swimming, running, walking, or jogging. This will help you prevent kidney damage.

  • Take Care of your Blood Sugar Levels:

If you want to avoid chronic kidney disease, you need to monitor your blood sugar levels regularly. This will help you avoid diabetes, and thus the chances of chronic kidney disease are reduced significantly.

If you do not take care of your blood sugar levels, your kidneys have to exert extra pressure, and this can lead to life-threatening damage to your kidney. So, you need to take the right care of your blood sugar levels so that you can avoid the risks of chronic kidney disease.

  • Maintain Healthy Body Weight:

If you don’t want to suffer from chronic kidney disease, you need to maintain a healthy body weight. So, if you want to avoid the risks of getting chronic kidney disease, you need to stay away from obesity too.

For this, you need to follow a healthy diet so that you can avoid being overweight. If you are overweight, you need to shed down extra pounds and fats to reduce your chances of getting chronic kidney disease.

If you are overweight, you may also invite other health issues apart from chronic kidney disease. For instance, you may suffer from diabetes and heart issues. So, if you want to avoid all these health issues, it is important to maintain a healthy body weight.

  • Avoid High Blood Pressure:

If you want to avoid chronic kidney disease, you also need to avoid high blood pressure. For this, you need to opt for ways to help you take the right care of your blood pressure. So, you need to monitor your blood pressure levels regularly to avoid high blood pressure levels.

Maintaining your blood pressure at normal values will also help you avoid diabetes and heart issues. So, if you have high blood pressure, you need to opt for lifestyle changes that can help you keep it at normal values.

This will help you reduce the chances of getting chronic kidney disease significantly.

  • Avoid Smoking:

We all know that smoking is prohibited as it causes a lot of health issues. But if you have a family history of chronic kidney disease, you need to avoid it at any cost. If you keep smoking with chronic kidney disease, you can damage your kidneys badly.

Smoking plays an important role in increasing the risk of cancer in patients with chronic kidney disease. So, it is important to stay away from smoking to avoid chronic kidney disease.


It is important to take the right care of your health so that your vital organs can perform well. However, if you do not opt for healthy lifestyle changes, you may damage your vital organs, including the kidneys, badly, and this results in poor health.