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Ways to Make Your Home Office Comfortable and Practical

by Mark Bingham - 30 Aug 2022, Tuesday 352 Views Like (0)
Ways to Make Your Home Office Comfortable and Practical

Working from home is not a quirky possibility that your boss might let you explore when you get sick. Over the past three years, working from home has become the new norm. Not only do you save a lot of time on commuting and gas money, but you get to wear comfortable clothes and work in a familiar environment. Now, it would be a shame to feel so relaxed and happy only to hurt your neck and back because you’re working from your plastic kitchen chair. Here’s how you can make your home office more comfortable and practical. 

Pick the spot

If you are in a hurry to set up a home office, you might think that pretty much any corner of your home will do. Working from the comfort of your bed sounds fun, but it’s not all fun and games in the long run. Typing on your computer while lying down is a bad idea, as you will soon find out the hard way. Your neck and back will be stiff and start hurting soon, and over the course of a few weeks, you will also notice that you have problems sleeping because your mind sees the bed as an ‘office space’. Converting a spare room into an office is the best way to ensure you have enough room for all your work things, and it will also allow you to close the door and leave work behind you at the end of the day. 

Get plenty of natural light

Natural light is such a great mood booster, and it would be a shame not to use it in your office. Working in a room or even a corner that’s close to the window will do wonders for your mood and productivity. Even on a cloudy day, natural light will make you feel connected to the outside world, so try to position your desk close to the window. In addition to this, natural light is very rejuvenating, and once you get to work in the morning, you will discover that you’re more awake and that you have much more energy. Also, being close to a window means that you will easily take occasional screen breaks to rest your eyes

Gift yourself a coffee machine

In order to concentrate better, it’s a good idea to get a nice coffee machine for your home office. Not only will caffeine help you stay focused on your task, but it will also help you wake up in the morning while simultaneously providing you with a nice treat for when it’s time to take a break. Of course, it’s also advisable to get spare appliance parts in case of a minor break. You don’t want to replace everything, but a spare part is an easy way to ensure your beloved coffee machine will never stop working and leave you without caffeine. 

Buy functional furniture

It doesn’t matter where you set up your workspace, but you should ensure that every piece of furniture surrounding you is functional and comfy. If you have a couple of older pieces you’re fond of, you can try repurposing them so that they last longer. However, if you’re looking to buy a new one, aim to get handy pieces that can easily pull double duty. For example, a nice cabinet that has a desktop extension or perhaps a neat slim-profile sideboard that can be repurposed in a blink of an eye to hold your laptop. The use of functional furniture is imperative, especially if you are working in a small space. The good news is that you don’t actually need an entire room full of furniture for most office endeavours. 

Green it up

It’s not all about work and no time for play. If you want to make your office space feel more inviting and relaxed, the easiest way is to bring in some greenery and accessories made of natural materials. Natural elements that have subtle organic touches are ideal. It doesn’t have to be big to make a difference – drawer pulls made of rock, agate, or raw quartz are beautiful. Details made of natural and eco-friendly materials with minimalist design and modern lines will liven up every corner of your home, not just your office. Of course, by far the best way to add natural elements is to bring in plants. There is something about the contrast of green, lush life and nigh-tech electronics that soothe the mind. A simple stone pot or artwork that depicts the outdoors is also a good way to infuse the space with nature. 

Because home offices are a necessity and not a luxury, you should make an effort to turn your boring spare room into a stimulating and comfortable environment. While working from your bed might seem tempting at first, and working from your kitchen sounds like a great idea, a nice home office is a game-changer. You will have better results at work and you will notice that both your mind and body feel better when you finish work, and that is something you shouldn’t take for granted.