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Home Marketing 8 Best Places to Put up a Poster to Increase Brand Awareness

8 Best Places to Put up a Poster to Increase Brand Awareness

by Mark Anton - 29 Sep 2022, Thursday 415 Views Like (0)
8 Best Places to Put up a Poster to Increase Brand Awareness

One of the most common ways to promote your brand is by using posters. Posters are one of the most efficient and cost-effective methods for advertising because they can be seen by many people.

These posters should be eye-catching, as this will encourage people to take a second look at them and remember what they see for a long time.

Outdoor advertising is still one of the most popular forms of advertising ac???????cording to study by Roy Morgen. 78% of people see traditional outdoor advertising that includes billboards or posters.

A study by Kansas State University found that people are more likely to remember something they see if they are exposed to it more than once.

A study by Columbia University found that people are more likely to remember something they hear if they are exposed to it more than once.

This means that repetition helps make an impression on someone’s mind.

The best way to ensure repetition is through exposure, which can be done by putting up posters in areas where people will see them multiple times.

Here are 8 places where you can put up your poster:

Inside of your store

In-store posters are an excellent way to advertise your brand because they can be seen by people who have already decided that they want to buy something from that store.

This is because in-store displays are usually placed near entrances or exits and customers cannot leave without seeing them first.

In front of a train station or bus stop

A train station is a place where people come in large numbers and spend some time while they wait for their trains. They are often waiting at the platforms, which means that they have time on their hands and will keep reading your posters if you display them in front of a train station or bus stop.

Shopping centres

Shopping centres are one of the most visited places in the world. It is a place where people come to buy their desired products. However, many people who visit shopping centres don't know what they want and are not sure about what to buy. These people are your prospective customers and you have to convince them that your product or service is worth buying.

Shops, cafes, restaurants

Shops, restaurants and hotels are great places to put up posters. You could put them on doors, walls and in bathrooms as well. If you're just displaying them outside of the window, it's a good idea also to have different posters for different occasions. If you know you will target a specific group of customers, it may be worth considering the features that could make your product even more attractive to that customer base.


There are many different types of events that you can sponsor and collaborate with, such as trade shows, seminars, and other events in exchange for ad space to hang your posters on. The first thing that exhibitors do when they arrive at a fair is to look for the event's poster board, which will contain all the information about the event. This is also a great way to get your posters noticed.

Bulletin boards

Bulletin boards are the best way to advertise because they are not as expensive as other forms of advertising like TV or radio ads. They also have a much higher return on investment than other forms of advertising because they can be seen by so many people in such a short period of time.

Heavy traffic places

It is a good idea to display your posters near traffic signals as these are the places where people from all walks of life, from all professions and of all ages pass by. This is an effective way to catch their attention and make them pay attention to your poster as well.

To make sure that you attract maximum traffic, it is important that you place your posters in the right spot.


A lot of people believe that advertising on streets is a better option for the advertisers. This is because the streets in residential areas are a lot more welcoming to posters than those in commercial areas.

In residential areas, you can find trees, gardens, and other natural elements which make it very easy to hang your posters. These elements not only provide privacy but also make your poster stand out and be noticed by people passing by.

On the other hand, in commercial areas like malls and markets, you will find a lot of other advertising options like hoardings, banners etc. This makes it difficult for your poster to be noticed or read by passersby.

How to make a poster look attractive

  • Use a good color scheme and use contrasting colors for the text and background.
  • Use a font that is not too hard to read.
  • Make sure that the text is big enough and it’s easy to read.
  • When using an image, make sure that it’s relevant and not too distracting from the rest of the content in the poster.
  • Use a good frame for it. This will help your message be more visible and it will also add some style to the design.


In conclusion, there are several factors that need to be considered before putting up a poster. The most important factor would be location, followed by design and size of the poster.