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How Tall Was God? Height of Jesus

by Tara Cruz - 23 Jun 2022, Thursday 283 Views Like (0)
How Tall Was God? Height of Jesus

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What do you think of when I say the name, Jesus? Perhaps you're reminded of a popular holiday song, or perhaps you're thinking about something more serious, like the burdens of faith. Either way, most of us tend to think of him as someone very tall -- someone who towers over us all.

AnchorBeyond the Gospels

The assumption that Jesus was tall comes from the Gospels themselves. In Mark 6:2-4, he's described as standing out due to his "height". In John 6:20, his disciples are told to get a small boat ready for him because everyone will mistake him for a "lake monster". Matthew and Luke, who were also written at the same time, back up the idea that Jesus was tall. Even in John, this idea is supported by how he's portrayed in Luke 24:13-35. Both John and Luke describe a long-haired Jesus with a beard, which would make him seem imposing to those who saw him.

This assumption that Jesus was tall is further supported by how he's described in other early Christian texts. In the Acts of the Apostles, he's said to be "of a great height" (Acts 7:56). The apocryphal Gospel of Nicodemus also describes him as being tall and even gives his height as twelve cubits (18 feet/5.49 meters) (Nicodemus 16:3). Given that these texts were written close to when the Gospels were penned, it's likely that they're accurate in their portrayal of Jesus.

AnchorWhy Does It Matter?

So what does it matter if Jesus was tall or not? Well, for one thing, it helps us understand how he was seen by those around him. In a world where most people were shorter than five feet (1.52 meters), someone who was six feet (1.83 meters) would have been considered quite tall. This would have made him stand out in a crowd and perhaps helped him command attention when he spoke. Additionally, this physical description fits well with the image of Jesus as a powerful figure who could perform miracles and heal the sick. Finally, it's just another way that we can get to know him better – after all, wouldn't you want to know how tall your savior was? Assuming that Jesus was tall has implications for how he is perceived by those around him and, in turn, how effective he was in his public speaking and miracles. If Jesus had towered over most people of his time, this would have made him more noticeable and perhaps even intimidating. His tall stature may also have helped him gain a following more easily as people would see him as a powerful figure. Although there is no concrete evidence that Jesus was extraordinarily tall, the texts written about him during his life suggest that he may have been taller than the average person.

Beyond just physical appearance, knowing how tall Jesus was can help us understand his persona better. In a world where most men were only around 5 feet tall, someone who was 6 feet would have been considered quite large. This difference in height may well have contributed to why so many people were drawn to him – he stood out physically from the rest of the population. In addition, because he was likely one of the tallest people around also visit 25th island of greece, it's possible that his voice carried further than others, and thus he could be heard more easily when giving speeches or sermons.

So while we will never know for sure how tall Jesus actually was, it's clear that early Christians believed him to be a very large man. And whether or not this is true, thinking of Jesus as a towering figure helps us appreciate both his physical presence and his impact on those around him. Assuming that Jesus was tall has implications for how he is perceived by those around him and, in turn, how effective he was in his public speaking and miracles. If Jesus had towered over most people of his time, this would have made him more noticeable and perhaps even intimidating. His tall stature may also have helped him gain a following more easily as people would see him as a powerful figure. Although there is no concrete evidence that Jesus was extraordinarily tall, the texts written about him during his life suggest that he may have been taller than the average person.

Beyond just physical appearance, knowing how tall Jesus was can help us understand his persona better. In a world where most men were only around 5 feet tall, someone who was 6 feet would have been considered quite large. This difference in height may well have contributed to why so many people were drawn to him – he stood out physically from the rest of the population. In addition, because he was likely one of the tallest people around, it's possible that his voice carried further than others, and thus he could be heard more easily when giving speeches or sermons.

So while we will never know for sure how tall Jesus actually was, it's clear that early Christians believed him to be a very large man. And whether or not this is true, thinking of Jesus as a towering figure helps us appreciate both his physical presence and his impact on those around him.