Tracking potential leads remains a priority in the real estate business. It can be challenging considering there are so many aspects to consider.
inside sales agents real estate play a crucial role in this regard. Lead management becomes more effortless and can also focus on other work areas. It helps in planning the bigger picture and provides more time to look at minute details of the business.
Is There a Need to Hire an Inside Sales Agent?
A lot of businesses wonder whether there is a need to hire an ISA or not. To see their value, one only needs to sit down and take a look at overall statistics. Comparing lead acquisition figures with recent profit margins and scrutinizing the retention capacity can help make the right decision.
What Makes an Inside Sales Agent Different?
Inside sales agents for real estate are a source of support for the real estate firm. They are essentially your customer service team. Their job is to obtain the highest number of qualified leads. They connect to the most probable prospects and save a lot of time. Some of their tasks include -
- Taking calls for both inbound and outbound sales.
- Maintaining healthy relationships with customers.
- Following up on leads through phone calls, e-mails, etc.
- Taking appointments with qualified leads.
- Most importantly, helping close deals.
What Can You Expect from an ISA?
- An inside sales agent works as an insurance policy. It will increase the returns and make the investment more profitable. Every lead is worthy of hundreds of dollars. The business generated at the end of the closing measures the success of investing in an ISA. They set appointments and take quick action to take it to the next level.
- The statistics are surprising but true. Real estate agents never contact 49% of real estate leads. On the other hand, An ISA follows 100% of the leads. It is a massive difference that is created and brings more significant opportunities. Following up quickly and consistently improves the chances of closure compared to the ones that are not followed.
- An ISA is held accountable till the closing of the deal. Their job is not completed with the passing of the lead to the agent or buyer. They are paid commissions only when the deal is closed. Hence, it is they who take responsibility for closing. Reminders through emails and texts are constantly sent to all the parties involved to keep the deal moving.
- Hiring the right inside sales agent means exponential returns. They are the brand's first voice and help establish a reputation in the market. The most significant help comes in the form of referrals. One can create a referral source from every contact lead and bring in more opportunities.
Final words
An inside sales agent helps scale the team and generate more leads. They immediately engage with the prospects and label them as qualified or unqualified. It makes the task easier and saves ample time to focus on all spheres of operation.
It is the pace of the ISA that matters the most. They will not shy away from making a call even at 10 pm to ensure that an opportunity is not lost. An inside sales agent has proved more than once to be an asset in the industry.