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What Is Diamond Nexus?

by Ruby Singh - 14 Apr 2022, Thursday 226 Views Like (0)
What Is Diamond Nexus?

If you’re looking to purchase an engagement ring, you might be interested in knowing that there are other, less expensive options than natural diamonds. In fact, lab-grown diamonds cost as little as 40% of the price of natural diamonds. This article explains everything you need to know about Diamond Nexus and its eco-friendly engagement jewellery options. We’ll also explain how they compare to traditional diamonds and other lab-grown stones in terms of beauty, durability, and value.

How Lab-Grown Diamonds Are Made

Lab-grown diamonds are made in a number of ways. Generally, they start with a seed—typically just a piece of graphite or coal—that is placed inside an instrument called a growth chamber. The growth chamber is then filled with a catalyst and placed under intense heat and pressure, which causes carbon atoms to bond together in intricate patterns that create diamond crystals. The process can take anywhere from several days to weeks, depending on how large and flawless you want your diamonds to be. This is known as CVD (chemical vapour deposition). Diamond Nexus uses what’s known as HPHT (high-pressure high-temperature) technology for its lab-grown stones.

The Benefits of Lab-Grown vs Natural Diamonds

Lab-grown diamonds (also known as cultivated diamonds) are a sustainable and eco-friendly alternative to natural diamonds. Natural diamond mining is destructive for both our planet and its people. Lab-grown diamond mining has virtually no impact on our environment or society, but still provides all of the same benefits that natural diamonds do.

Where To Buy Diamond Nexus

Diamond Nexus offers engagement rings in-store as well as online, so you can shop at home, on your lunch break or during a weekend shopping trip. If you prefer an in-person shopping experience and live near a Diamond Nexus store, check out where to buy Diamond Nexus rings at an in-store location.

About The Company

Diamond Nexus is an engagement retailer that sells lab-grown diamonds, which are 100% conflict-free. Diamonds produced in a lab can be much more affordable than natural diamonds, with some costing as little as 15 per cent of their mined counterparts. These diamonds are still visually indistinguishable from mined stones and provide many other benefits to consumers. Lab-grown diamonds have been shown to use much less energy and material than they would if they were mined.

What Makes Diamond Nexus Unique?

Diamond Nexus offers a completely unique alternative to natural and lab-grown diamonds. While diamonds have historically been seen as a luxury, it doesn’t take an expert to see that man-made diamonds are a more sustainable option that has less of an impact on our world. Just like natural diamonds, they’re made with extreme pressure and heat from carbon, but lab-grown diamonds can be grown in less than half the time and require no mining or excavation. If you want to make sure your engagement ring is ethically sourced and created in an eco-friendly way without sacrificing quality, look into growing your own diamond at home.

They are graded using the same system used for diamonds.

Just like natural diamonds, lab-grown diamonds are graded using the same system used for diamonds. It’s called the 4 C’s (CUT, CLARITY, COLOR, and CARAT WEIGHT) and determines how valuable a stone is. The lower each of these attributes is on a diamond’s grading scale, the more affordable it is. However, they can still be just as beautiful!


In short, yes, lab diamonds are both a real and beautiful alternative to natural diamonds. Lab-created diamonds, like all diamonds, are made up of carbon—the same element that makes up natural diamonds. Their diamond’s fire, brilliance and crystal clarity are also almost identical to their mined counterparts—the only difference being that they’re grown in a lab as opposed to mined from the earth. In terms of quality and consistency, Lab Grown Diamonds have been recognized by The Gemological Institute of America (GIA) as compared to natural diamonds since 2010 and have since gained wider recognition from other organizations including Natural Origin Materials (NOM), International Colored Gemstone Association (ICA), and American Gem Society (AGS). What about cost?


You may be under the impression that lab-grown diamonds are the same as natural diamonds, but there are a few important factors to consider. In terms of quality, most of these alternative options actually compare favorably to natural diamonds. While these alternatives aren’t quite diamond—and therefore won’t offer the same level of brilliance and sparkle—they do provide a great way to get the benefits of diamond jewelry at a fraction of the cost. However, not all alternatives are created equal; it’s important to understand what they are, how they differ and which is best for you. There are two common types: stimulants and synthetic diamonds.

Are Diamond Nexus Products Good Quality?

Diamond Nexus is a lab-grown diamond retailer that offers a great alternative to the traditionally mined diamond. Diamond Nexus takes eco-friendly to the next level by offering 100% natural and conflict-free alternatives for customers who don’t want to contribute to the environmental impact of mining diamonds. While Diamond Nexus hasn’t been around for as long as some of its competitors, customers have reviewed their products very favourably, citing that they are true alternatives to mined diamonds. And many have been pleasantly surprised at how easily the diamonds can be incorporated into jewellery designs – making them an affordable option for consumers interested in eco-friendly jewelry.


With the way that the diamond market operates, it is no wonder that there are so many negative aspects. Despite these drawbacks, people have been attempting to find a diamond alternative that really does simulate the true beauty of a diamond. There is currently an alternative on the market called lab-grown diamonds. Lab-grown diamonds are exactly what they sound like: diamonds created in a laboratory by human hands. Diamond Nexus offers lab-grown diamonds for up to 80% less than natural diamonds of comparable size and quality. This has created much controversy within the industry and even led to several lawsuits from competitors who claim that lab-grown stones are not real, thus creating confusion in consumers' minds about what a diamond really is.