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Why Should You Invest in an Illuminated Signs for Your Business?

by Britton Chivers - 15 Apr 2022, Friday 188 Views Like (0)
Why Should You Invest in an Illuminated Signs for Your Business?

Elegant and effective, illuminated signs are popular in just about every country on the planet, which makes it easy to forget that they’re not just timeless and aesthetically-pleasing adornments – they’re also functional!

Whether you’re preparing to open a new business or looking to revamp an existing one. There are plenty of reasons why investing in illuminated signage could be the right move. Here are some of the best ones.

Illuminated Signs Increase Brand Visibility

Do you find it challenging to make your company brand stand out amidst competitors and city signs?

If so, then maybe it’s time to think about investing in illuminated signage. A lighted billboard or store front will grab more attention than a non-illuminated one.

Research shows that people tend to remember images that have movement or color. So, if you want your brand identity associated with strong imagery and memorability. Then go with illuminated signs Canada.

You could also make sure your logo is visible throughout the day using modern lighting technology.

This way, no matter what time of day someone drives by, they’ll still recognize and associate your brand with positive imagery.

Businesses Love Illuminated Signs

For many businesses, illuminated signs are a great way to advertise and brand. After all, they don’t require frequent replacement. They can draw attention without being tacky or overbearing, and they look great at night and during broad daylight.

Many businesses choose to install illuminated signs Canada to replace existing neon signage or as additions to their existing lightbox signage.

In either case, these businesses have fallen in love with these versatile displays and plan on using them long into the future.

Illuminated Signs Can Save You Money

Illuminated signs have been proven to increase brand awareness and boost sales. When customers are able to easily find and recognize a business, they’re more likely to come back again.

In fact, after a recent study compared two coffee shops side by side that were identical except one had an illuminated logo. Researchers found that nearly 60% of people who noticed illuminated signage made their purchase at that store instead of its competitor.

An illuminated sign is a smart investment if you want loyal customers who return time and time again.

Illuminated Signs Improve Overall Image

In many cases, your business’s storefront is its most prized asset. When illuminated signs Canada first came on to the scene.

They were primarily used by businesses that lacked something else that was very important: a great location.

Times have changed, however, and now illuminated signs are not only affordable but also can greatly improve your store’s overall image – and, as a result, help attract new customers.

Whether it’s through increased visibility or improved aesthetics and curb appeal, an illuminated sign will benefit both large and small businesses alike.

The Benefits of Brand Recognition

People are innately drawn to things that are unique and memorable. In fact, studies have shown that a majority of people recall seeing a commercial or promotional campaign even when they don’t want to!

So, if you want customers to take notice of your business, then investing in illuminated signs Canada is a no-brainer.

Illuminated signs and glowing logos draw more attention than anything else on a busy street – and they never hurt their eyes!

Illuminated Signs Can Give Your Business an Edge

Illuminated signs Canada are more than just great-looking, they can help your business stand out from competitors and promote brand awareness.

For example, a new study shows that customers spent over 1.5 times more at restaurants with outside illuminated signage vs. those without!

But perhaps most important is that these glowing signs and billboards aren’t as harmful to our environment as other types of lighting like fluorescent or neon lights.

An illuminated sign is not only stylish and beautiful but highly functional as well, helping your business do better even though it costs less!

What are the advantages of installing a glowing sign for your business?

In addition to helping improve brand awareness, illuminate signs can also enhance customers’ experiences by making their visits more memorable.

If a customer drives by your restaurant and sees that it is closed, they may never come back again.

However, if they see a bright neon open sign lit up at night, it will immediately grab their attention and send them into your business for dinner.

Studies have also shown that clean-looking signs with good typography make customers more trusting of businesses.

Why illuminated signage could be just what you need?

No matter what kind of business you run, there’s a lot to be said for standing out from the crowd.

Illuminated signs provide one of those few opportunities to really make a statement about your brand and identity.

With their clean lines and eye-catching appeal, these fixtures grab attention effortlessly – and can often do so without ever being noticed!

If that sounds like something that could benefit your company, then it’s time to start thinking about adding some new lighting to your fleet of advertising tools.

You don’t need us to tell you that communicating effectively is a vital part of running any successful enterprise; but did you know that an understated upgrade can be just as effective as using tools like adverts or social media?

Benefits Of Having an Illuminated Sign

Illuminated signs Canada give you lots of advantages including improving visibility and awareness, maximizing brand exposure, and giving direction to customers.

Illuminated signs have lots of benefits over conventional signage methods. They improve visibility in all kinds of weather conditions, can be seen from far away and are more appealing to potential customers.

They also last longer and remain effective at attracting attention even after long periods of time on display.

With a great looking sign design and proper illumination technique, it is possible to use a single sign that is visible from much further than other kinds of signage systems.

This makes them especially useful for outdoor use as they can draw attention to products or services from greater distances than other types of signs could ever hope to achieve.