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How You Can Optimize SEO on Word Press and Common Errors That Occur When Optimizing Word Press SEO

by Turiya Dugital - 03 Aug 2021, Tuesday 301 Views Like (0)
How You Can Optimize SEO on Word Press and Common Errors That Occur When Optimizing Word Press SEO

WordPress is among the most well known content management systems on the internet. It is simple to use. It can also be tailored according to personal preference.It is also an important tool for the Digital Marketing Agencies.

Content creators using WordPress are given the freedom to alter their page to how they think is best. And since it is so widely used, Wordpress is equipped with several SEO configurations. Wordpress SEO basically means curating the page so that search engines like Google place it on top of user search rankings. 

Although, it is important to note that Wordpress does not guarantee that your page will appear on search rankings. Like it is with every other site, a digital marketing company must come up with a solid SEO plan for the page. More emphasis must be put on keywords, quality content, page indexing, etc. Simply put, Wordpress SEO works exactly like standard SEO. With Wordpress, you have more convenience using SEO and it consumes less time. It is great for new users as it takes many standard SEO protocols out of the equation. It also comes with plug-in facilities that raise your preference among search engines. 

How to optimize Wordpress SEO

Wordpress gives it’s users many tools, made both for beginners like the ones with limited experience and expert users such as the marketing agencies. Here are some of the best ways to optimize your SEO for Wordpress:

  1. Forming links that come under SEO preference- With Wordpress, you can create your own links as you wish to make them. The links match with certain parts of the content and this gives search engines an idea about that particular content. That is how search engines relate your content with their user searches. When forming links, keep in mind that they must be created with the convenience of users and SEO in mind. And Wordpress makes this process incredibly simple. ‘Post name’ is the most used link type since it includes the most keywords and it also gets the most clicks from search engine users.


  1. Pick themes that are most recognized by SEO- There are a countless number of themes on Wordpress. But you should keep your choice aside and select only the ones that are considered SEO friendly. Certain themes come with many layers and features, which can affect the loading speed of your site. This will prove to be detrimental to your SEO planning. Before you decide on a theme, make sure to test your site’s speed and performance through a performance analyzer online. 

  1.  Use Google Search Console- Google Search Console is a free to use tool provided by Google, which gives you an understanding about how search engines view your page. It gives you access to site data which lets you see which pages have been crawled and indexed. It helps you optimize your website and improve on your content. After verifying your website with Google Search Console, the next step is updating XML sitemap. 

  1. Update XML sitemap- XML sitemap is a tool used by search engines to find top pages on your website. It gives the search engine an overview on your content. With the availability of this information, bots run through the content and index it. And then the pages on your website appear on search results according to their relevance to the user’s search. Wordpress SEO plug-in has a XML sitemap tool. But in case you do not have access to this tool, you can also create an XML sitemap of your own and submit it to the search engine you’re using.

 Common Mistakes while optimizing SEO Wordpress

Use of unnecessary plugins- Any professional Digital Marketing Agencies will tell you, way too many plugins can ruin your SEO. Although plugins are a great tool, too many of them means that a user opening your site will have to load each plugin. Hence, too many plugins will clog your site, which in turn will lower the loading speed. Wordpress offers countless numbers of plugins but you should only pick the ones that will contribute positively to your website and it’s SEO plan. Fewer plugins means that your website will run faster and search engines will place it on top it’s rankings. 

Choosing the incorrect theme- As mentioned before, you should choose a theme that is SEO friendly. But many websites make the mistake of choosing the theme that looks good according to their choice. Many creators have the misconception that using premium themes will attract more people to the website. But these themes often come with too many layers and designs. This affects the loading speed and causes pages to crash. It is important to test out your website performance before deciding on a particular theme.

Not updating XML sitemap- After configuring your website and testing for performance, the next step is to update the XML sitemap. But many creators miss out on this step. As a result of this, several pages from the website will not appear on search engine rankings. So besides optimizing your website, you must also update the XML sitemap as frequently. And this must be done each time you make any major changes to your website. 

Not adding texts to images- Alt tags for images is a tool provided for free by Wordpress. Hence, it can easily be used for images on your page. Images are as important as texts. Failing to optimize the visual aspects of your page will cause a drop in its search rankings. So make sure to add tags to your images. Or you can install a plug-in that will automatically optimize the images on your website. 

Forming incorrect links- Wordpress allows you to form links however you want them. The links are a determining factor when search engines place your page in its search rankings. But many creators make the fault of leaving the link as it is or forming an incorrect link. But since it is an issue of user convenience and SEO optimization, you must take the time to create the correct permalink structure on your Wordpress. This will make your page both 

user-friendly and search engine-friendly. ???????