Traveling around Rome is highly exciting. However, if you are planning to opt for a Rome to Pompeii day trip, here's your friendly guide. This guide helps you to complete your homework right before you're all set for your trip! Let's delve into Pompeii!
When strolling through the remains of Pompeii, it's easy to envision life before the actual eruption. Besides that, there are some truly amazing excavation structures to admire.
Pompeii is a must-see as it provides unique insights into life in ancient Rome. Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 AD and buried the city in volcanic ash. The town with roughly 2,000 people trapped inside stayed buried until excavations began in the 18th century. It was not until then that they were discovered.
10 Things To See In Pompeii
Here are the top 10 things that you need to check out on your Rome to Pompeii day trip. Have a look.
Pompeii Antiquarium
Before visiting the ruins, do pay a visit to this great museum. The exhibitions and showcases will provide you with useful background knowledge and will assist you in comprehending what you will see in Pompeii.
The Forum and Jupiter's Temple
This, just like Rome's Roman Forum, was the epicenter of political and social life. On the northern border, look for the Temple of Jupiter, as well as other shrines and temples.
The Grand Theater
The Teatro Grande (large theater) is constructed into the sloping ground and can seat up to 5,000 people. The spectacular views of the ruined city and Mount Vesuvius can be had by sitting in the top row of seats.
Stabian Baths
Now, this is a very good illustration of the time's public baths. There is a swimming pool, several locker rooms, separate baths for men and women, a gladiator gym, and clothing racks.
Menander's Mansion
This is the residence of a rich merchant who proudly displayed his wealth at his front door. In the so-called House of the Lovers, look for the inscription "Lovers, like bees, wish life to be as sweet as honey."
New Scaffolding
These are newer excavations, similar to the Stabian Baths and House of Menander along the Via dell'Abbondanza. It shows what many of Pompeii's houses looked like two centuries ago. Mosaics, election posters, frescoes, statues, furniture, and wall inscriptions are among the interiors that have survived.
Amphitheater of Pompeii
Pompeii's amphitheater, the oldest surviving Roman amphitheater, could seat 12,000 spectators. It is even older than the Colosseum, dating from 80 BC. The Palaestra is right next to it, with a swimming pool in the middle and colonnades on three sides.
House of the Vettil
This is the residence of two brothers, demonstrating that even the middle class in Pompeii could live comfortably. Their home had stunning frescoes painted just before Vesuvius erupted, and they were thought to have been painted shortly before the eruption.
Extensive Western Homes
A few other illustrations of what it appeared like in Pompeii residents' homes can be found close to The house of the Vettil. There is the Marcus Lucretius' House, Faun's House, Silver Wedding's House, and Siricus' House.
The Tombs Street
Outside the walls of Pompeii, the Street of Tombs, which is close to the Appian Way outside of Rome, can be found. The street is surrounded by memorials to the deceased.
Whether taking a ride from Rome to Pompeii or joining a coach tour, a day trip to the ruined city is easily accessible to anyone living in the Eternal City. It's one of those places where you have to go to understand what happened when Vesuvius erupted all those years ago. You will not be sorry for having a tour guide explain historical facts to you. For easy access to the city, connect with a DriverInRome. They are more than happy to chauffeur you around the town with their private car and driver.